Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 13175
Country/Region: Guyana
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Remote Area Medical
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $48,000

Remote Area Medical (RAM) Guyana, as a partner in the Hinterland Initiative, will take a regional approach to the HIV/AIDS response with a one stop shop methodology incorporating HIV/AIDS services with other health services in order to maximize efficiency and reduce stigma and discrimination of HIV/AIDS services. With the goal of achieving primary prevention of HIV infection in Region 9 of Guyana, the objectives of the RAM project are to: scale up counseling and testing services through establishment of fixed site (Lethem Eye Clinic/RAM office) as well as an extensive mobile program; to improve upon and utilize existing transportation and infrastructure required for services and activities such as VCT and education; to educate vulnerable populations delay of sexual debut, safe sexual practices, and reduction in alcohol use. By extension these services will improve upon and make better use of existing referral network through the CDC/MOH mobile care and treatment team; to inform and engage residents of Region 9 at the local level about the need for care and psychosocial support and the effects that stigmatization and discrimination have on care and treatment, with the goal of strengthening the capacity of regionally-based structures and organizations to respond to the epidemic in a coordinated and informed manner. RAM will coordinate and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to foster local ownership of, and participation in activities; to reduce overlap and cover gaps in services provided through active information sharing and promotion of regional coordination mechanisms; and to improve strategic information activities and develop materials that are demographically and geographically relevant and beneficial to both regional and national decision makers.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $48,000

Activities to be undertaken by RAM Guyana through the RPH project under the Hinterland Initiative will include working in close collaboration with the CDC Guyana office to develop strategies and activities in FY12.This will include monitoring and review of ongoing program activities; RAM will also collaborate with the National AIDS Program Secretariat/Ministry of Health and national stakeholders to plan for VCT expansion activities , training, and follow up; continuing Regional AIDS Committee meetings to generate continued support for the project and to identify areas of collaboration.

RAM will also continue to engage and sensitize the indigenous population at the village-level regarding issues such as Stigma and discrimination, psychosocial support, VCT mobilization, community feedback, and program ownership. RAM will also work collaboratively in the areas of VCT and Edutainment to ensure community groups and partners build local capacity.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Mobile Populations