Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 134
Country/Region: Guyana
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $500,000

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $500,000

Continuing Activity

USAID will coordinate the HIV/AIDS portfolio, improve responsiveness to headquarters' reporting

requirements, coordinate needed short-term technical assistance, oversee the overall implementation of

PEPFAR in Guyana, and monitor program progress through site visits and periodic information


USAID program management for FY07 included overhead (partial payment of total USAID office costs,

supplies, furniture, printers/copiers, communication facilities); one PHN Officer with responsibility as the

Cognizant Technical Officer and HIV/AIDS Strategic Objective Team Leader; one Program Advisor with key

responsibility and oversight on NGO coordination and development; two Global Health Fellows (one with

responsibility for Strategic Information (End Date Oct/Nov 2007) and one with responsibility to advise on AB

and Other Prevention at the MOH (End Date July 2008)); one EXO/Community Liaison Officer (shared by

Mission); one driver (shared by Mission); transportation (vehicle and maintenance, fuel, travel for meetings

and trainings); program funds (miscellaneous expenses for SO cross-cutting issues at USAID, training

funds for USAID and partner staff); and ICASS fees.

Towards the end of FY07, in order to deal with the increased number of partners and level of effort required

to maintain such a significant portfolio, meet increased oversight needs, and respond to increasing contract

and executive officer functions, USAID will have hired two additional staff: 1) A FSN Strategic Information

(SI) Officer to replace the SI Global Health Fellow, and 2) A Program Administrative Assistant who

dedicates 50% level of effort to NGO partner development.