Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5109
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2007
Main Partner: University of Zambia
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $60,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $60,000

The Public Affairs Section (PAS) at Embassy Lusaka has a close working relationship with the two leading universities in Zambia: the University of Zambia (UNZA) in Lusaka province, and Copperbelt University (CBU) in Copperbelt province. Both schools serve large student populations from throughout Zambia, and boast the highest caliber faculty in the nation. This activity was approved for UNZA in FY 2006, however, the activity was reprogrammed to allow both UNZA and CBU to streamline program management and to cast a wider net, more effectively reaching students in all parts of the country. Because the size of UNZA's student and faculty (approximately 9,000 persons), UNZA will receive the larger portion of a 60/40 split in the FY 2007 grant proposal for Zambian university students.

University students are a key audience for AB prevention strategies as natural role models highly respected by the community. Using FY 2006 PEPFAR funds, UNZA intends to strengthen its AB prevention strategy programs among youth and faculty on campus. The program will continue to be overseen by the UNZA Vice Chancellor's Committee on HIV/AIDS.

In FY 2006, PEPFAR funds will support UNZA to strengthen and expand existing programs for students in line with its formal HIV/AIDS policy. State/Public Affairs' grant for a UNZA Student HIV/AIDS Leadership Program will result in greater awareness of abstinence and faithfulness messages, identification of local attitudes and behaviors that place young people at risk, and addressing the issue of stigma and discrimination on campus.

In FY 2007, this activity will train 100 students to become peer counselors, who will each reach 30 students to provide AB messages to a total of 3,000 students reached. Peer counselors will also hold AB group discussions, encourage community service during campus holidays, and help arrange outreach activities for peer counselors. UNZA will continue to use PEPFAR funding to support existing successful activities such as peer educator training, counseling services, and groups such as the Post-Test Club. Peer counselors will focus on reaching out to first-year female students. First-year student orientation has been identified as a particularly effective forum to begin AB education.

In order to monitor the program effectively and to build management capacity, UNZA peer educators will be trained on how to measure and track the required PEPFAR indicators as well as how to write reports. Project sustainability plans will include formation of a multidisciplinary Steering Committee of students and leaders to ensure maximum success for the HIV/AIDS Leadership Program. In addition, UNZA is set to add two full-time paid positions to oversee HIV/AIDS activities. Finally, the program seeks to create a cyclical progression where the new students who are given HIV/AIDS education upon arrival at UNZA become the peer educators for those who follow.