Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4982
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2007
Main Partner: ICF International
Main Partner Program: ICF Macro
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $200,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $200,000

This activity is a continuation of the HIV Prevalence Survey as part of the 2007 Zambia DHS (ZDHS). This activity will contribute to increased use of strategic information for surveillance of HIV/AIDS. In FY 2007, Measure DHS will complete all analysis, publication and dissemination of the HIV Prevalence Survey portion of the 2007 ZDHS. The prevalence survey collected and analyzed blood samples and basic demographic information of a nationally representative DHS sample from men and women of reproductive age. The pretest took place in mid-2006, and the actual data collection took place in late 2006 after the presidential elections. Macro will work in close collaboration with the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the Ministry of Health (MOH), the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC) and other government counterparts to finalize data analysis, write up findings, and publish and disseminate results.

The 2007 ZDHS survey will provide a wealth of demographic and health information that is linked to HIV prevalence data. The 2007 ZDHS data in conjunction with the 2005 Zambia Service Provision Assessment (ZSPA) findings, and other country-specific data can be used to guide national and provincial level evidence-based planning, monitoring and evaluation, and advocacy efforts. To increase access to and use of these data, Measure DHS in collaboration with CSO and the Ministry of Health (MOH) propose to carry out a range of dissemination and capacity building activities. This will include (1). the publication of the Preliminary and Final Reports on the ZDHS HIV/AIDS portion of the survey; and 2) a national seminar to disseminate the HIV/AIDS findings of the Final Report in Lusaka.

In addition, Macro will support CSO activities that ensure the 2007 ZDHS HIV/AIDS findings reach the major policymakers, program planners, and evaluation specialists who need them most. Macro will fund the printing of dissemination material, capacity building/data users' workshops, and further analysis. This will include brochures, a series of maps, graphs, and charts used to display data on HIV/AIDS disaggregated according to provincial and urban/rural categories.

Macro will publish The Key Findings Report which will highlight the major findings with easy-to-read text, graphics, and photographs. This report is designed for less technical readers and is ideal for policy makers, government ministers, and other professionals who do not have time to read through the entire Final Report. In addition, Macro will collaborate with the CSO, MOH, cooperating agencies, NGOs, and other major stakeholders in Zambia to prepare a list of key recommendations based on the survey. Macro will work with the CSO, MOH, and local groups to prepare a press packet including a press release, background materials, and a list of key findings for the conclusions of the survey. The findings will be described in non-technical language appropriate for sharing with a wide range of audiences including policy makers, health care providers, family planning and health project managers, journalists, and NGOs. The Press briefing and packet is designed to increase the quality and quantity of press coverage of the national survey's HIV/AIDS findings in the electronic and print media. Macro proposes to hold a press briefing with CSO and Ministry of Health for up to 40 print and electronic media journalists on the day before the national seminar. The briefing will include the major findings and conclusions from the survey. There is considerable opportunity for additional analysis of these data as well as other Zambian datasets. To ensure sustainability and enhance human capacity in data analysis in Zambia, Macro proposes to conduct one or more workshops with local researchers and CSO staff to enhance their skills in data analysis, using the ZDHS dataset. The workshop will focus on how to manipulate the recoded dataset, using STATA or SPSS, merge files, produce new tables, and perform bivariate analyses. Depending on local needs and interests, the training can be expanded by several days to include more complex statistical methods for multivariate analysis including multiple regression and correlation. In addition, Macro provide technical assistance to help local researchers, CSO, NAC and MoH identify research topics, develop their analysis plans, carry out basic tabulation and statistical testing plans, and finalize research papers. This training will combine lectures and hands-on computer sessions. In addition, each participant will be given a CD with the recoded 2007 ZDHS dataset so s/he can continue working with the data. Macro recommends the group select 5 research topics, of which at least two should focus on HIV-related issues. A Macro senior researcher, will provide mentoring for participants beyond the workshop to ensure that the research topics will be completed.

In addition, Macro, in conjunction with CSO, MOH, and NAC, will work together in the planning and implementation of the 2008 ZSBS/AIS survey. Preparatory activities will include contract signing; planning meetings with stakeholders; revision, translation and finalizing of questionnaires and training manuals; submission of protocols to the ethical review board; pre-testing of field protocols; and training of field staff. Four nationally represented surveys have been implemented to date, on a bi-annual schedule. The 2008 ZSBS/AIS survey will be the fifth in the series. The 2008 survey will use a nationally representative sample of about 2,500 men and 2,500 women in Zambia. Sample design will allow for separate estimates for men and women, as well as separate urban and rural estimates for key indicators.

A second component of the ZSBS/AIS is a continuation of capacity building activities that MEASURE Evaluation initiated in earlier years. These activities are aimed at institutional strengthening of CSO, MOH, and NAC, and training of up to 40 technical staff and other government officials. The goal of these activities is to enable the Central Statistics Office to permanently reduce its reliance on technical assistance from outside Zambia, and specifically, to assume full responsibility for future ZSBS/AIS surveys. To enhance sustainability, MEASURE DHS will work with CSO to integrate capacity building activities into its existing organizational structure and staffing as earlier indicated.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide a different and very useful way of presenting Emergency Plan data. Among the most important applications of GIS for HIV programs is showing how well HIV prevention and care interventions are distributed nationwide and whether certain areas are over-served or underserved, especially areas with high prevalence. Macro proposes to work with local counterparts in CSO, MOH, NAC, NGOS, and other CAs to perform exploratory analyses using the geo-referenced ZDHS and ZSPA data. By the end of a 5-day training, participants will be able to produce simple maps, using the ZDHS, ZSPA and other datasets. Macro recommends that the maps produced in the workshop be presented in the 2007 Zambia Atlas of HIV/AIDS Indicators. The atlas is a collection of maps that summarize the most important indicators related to HIV/AIDS. The maps along with available data from HIV/AIDS interventions provides visual information that should be of use to policymakers and program administrators who need up-to-date data for implementing and evaluating their activities, and planning future interventions.

To ensure sustainability of survey planning, implementation, data analysis, effective dissemination, and data use for decision-making, Macro will mentor and train 100 CSO, NAC, and MOH monitoring and evaluation (M&E) staff throughout this entire process. This will build national capacity to take over many of the tasks that Measure has traditionally done in the implementation and dissemination of national surveys.

Subpartners Total: $0
Central Statistical Office - Zambia: NA