Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5206
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Population Services International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,775,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $875,000

This activity is linked to HCT TBD-PSI Follow-on (9513) and HVOP Save US (9604), HVOP (9598).

In FY07, PEPFAR will support PSI to reach more than 32,000 at-risk populations including injecting drug users (IDU), men having sex with men (MSM), commercial sex workers (CSW) and their partners to ensure equitable access to gender-appropriate prevention interventions. Activities include behavior change communications (BCC) to provide motivation and skills to adopt safer behaviors and age-appropriate access to condoms and lubricants. All products and services will be supported by an evidence-based behavior change program that entails interpersonal communication via peer educators and outreach workers, and product promotion teams, as well as small events and mid-media communications. Target provinces for this program include Hanoi, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, HCMC, Can Tho, An Giang, and Thai Nguyen.

PSI will launch Number One male condoms in summer 2007, and potentially lubricants in late 2007 with additional funding. Lubricants will be marketed as Number One Plus, packaged with Number One condoms procured through the contraceptive commodity fund. Social Marketing approach will include free distribution of lubricants, but the program will also increase accessibility of lubricants by selling the product at nontraditional outlets (NTOs) at an affordable price. Revenues generated through sales will be used to pay for a portion of program costs. MSM clubs will be leveraged to conduct behavior change sessions, and sales promoters will introduce Number One products to NTOs located near "hotspots" that cater to at-risk populations. All condom social marketing activities will be directed through the provincial BCC coordinator and synchronized with other social marketing projects.

Communication campaigns will be developed to increase informed demand for condoms and lubricants and to encourage consistent and correct use of these commodities, particularly among at-risk individuals. Communication materials (e.g., posters and brochures) and tools (e.g., flip charts and games) will be developed. Interpersonal communication activities that adapt condom messages appropriately to different sub-populations and ensure targeted individuals have adequate support to consistently use condoms will be designed and implemented. Interpersonal communication activities, which will linked to Save the Children/US's primary drug use prevention program, such as outreach messages and an IEC material will be developed. Messages will focus on supporting current IDUs and CSWs to refrain from helping individuals initiate drug use and to refrain from using drugs in front on non-users. Messaging will be based on FY06 research, will build on current interventions reaching core transmitter groups, and will be linked to an increasing array of addiction treatment options.

PSI will also explore the potential to introduce a branded female condom (FC) into PSI/Vietnam's programs targeting sex workers. Through a pilot program, FCs will be promoted to female and male sex workers as well as to MSM. PSI already received 40,000 FCs from USAID and will launch them in late 2007, supported by a developed brand, informational and promotional materials, and a comprehensive outreach program.

PSI will strengthen partnerships with Provincial Health Departments (PHD) and local NGOs to improve their ability to develop evidence-based, client-focused social marketing programs. This is designed to improve understanding of the nature and effectiveness of social marketing approaches, and increase development of non-stigmatizing and compelling behavior change campaigns. Social marketing workshops will be offered to Provincial Health Departments (PHD) involved in MOH/VAAC HIV/AIDS activities, as well as other organizations involved in HIV prevention.

Through these activities, 900 (original number: 800) non-traditional outlets (NTOs) will be targeted; 3,500,000 male condoms distributed; 7,500 female condoms distributed; 250,000 lubricant sachets distributed; over 1,500 CSW and MSM trained in the use of female condoms (FC) and lubricants, and 36,800 (original number: 32,800) individuals reached through community outreach that promote HIV/AIDS prevention. Two hundred fifty-five (255) (original number: 225) individuals will be trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention as a component of this program.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $900,000

This activity is linked to HVCT FHI (9508), HVCT HCMC-PAC (9509), HVCT MOH/VAAC (9511), and HVCT REACH (9512).

In FY07, PEPFAR will support PSI to continue its communication campaigns to promote VCT services in Hanoi, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, HCMC, and Can Tho to increase by 20% (or 6,300 clients) the number of individuals who receive counseling and testing for HIV and return for their test results. In addition, TBD-PSI follow-on will provide training on social marketing to 50 individuals.

PSI follow-on will use social marketing approaches to increases awareness of and trust in CT among target populations, reduce stigma associated with these services, and increase the capacity of Provincial Health Departments (PHDs) to develop effective, non-stigmatizing social marketing campaigns. PSI will utilize research conducted in 2005 and 2006 to develop and implement Phase 2 of the CT social marketing campaign. In place of mass media branding of the "New Horizon" CT program from Phase 1, Phase 2 will be a mid-media focused campaign where marketing will be focused in areas and sites where most at-risk populations congregate or frequent. This campaign will focus on increasing awareness and emphasizing the confidentiality of services, benefits of counseling, and primary and secondary benefits of knowing one's HIV status. The campaign will utilize billboards, posters, and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials. CT will be promoted at PEPFAR supported sites. The social marketing strategy will leverage existing programs and communication channels, such as MOH/VAAC and HCMC-PAC peer education and communication resources and other community-based programs, while substantially increasing the quantity and quality of mass media campaigns directed at high-prevalence communities. PSI will coordinate VAAC to explore expanding social marketing efforts to other non PEPFAR supported quality VCT sites.

PSI will build the capacity of local partners to communicate effectively to each target group by replicating a successful series of evidence-based, client-focused CT social marketing programs implemented in northern provinces in FY05 and FY06. These activities are designed to provide a better understanding of the nature and effectiveness of CT social marketing approaches, and increased capacity to produce non-stigmatizing and compelling CT behavior change campaigns. The CT social marketing workshops will be offered to PHD/Provincial AIDS Centers involved in PEPFAR supported CT activities, as well as to organizations such as Women's and Youth Unions and NGOs involved in CT. Relevant program staff and community outreach workers who implement CT will be trained in CT Behavior Change Communication (BCC) messaging and distribution of IEC materials. The goal of the workshops is to increase local capacity to develop non-stigmatizing, evidenced-based communication programs for CT.

Other organizations involved in advocacy on Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA), particularly the Bright Future's Group, will be leveraged to support the development of CT social marketing campaigns that reduce stigma and CT materials appropriate for target groups. By employing USG partners working with vulnerable populations such as MOH and HCMC-PAC outreach workers and FHI's MSM and CSW programs, PSI will reach difficult to reach vulnerable populations with CT social marketing. TBD-PSI follow-on will also build on existing efforts of USG partners, such as utilizing HHS/CDC data on vulnerable populations, and FHI's mapping work of MARP in PEPFAR focus provinces.