Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 14252
Country/Region: Ukraine
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Management Sciences for Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

The field support mechanism, Grant Management Solutions (GMS) follow-on project will provide short-term management-related technical assistance to the Ukrainian State AIDS Center (UAC), the principle recipient (PR) for the Global Fund Round 10 HIV Grant. This assistance will support organizational development and strenthen UAC's ablity to set up the national M&E system. The GMS team will also support UAC's work to implement ART clinical management. A recent Global Fund-supported assessment identified gaps in the ability of UAC to meet the full requirements of a PR, including meeting international standards in procurement and supply chain management, as one of challenges facing the successful implementation of the Rd 10 grant.

Initial technical support to UAC to become a PR was provided by GMS before the grant signature. The GMS follow-on Project 's technical assistance directly contributes to the achievement of the Partnership Framework goal of strengthening national and local leadership, capacity, institutions, systems, policies and resources to support the achievement of national AIDS Program objectives. It also contributes to the USG's GHI strategy, which emphasizes health systems strengthening to improve the quality of HIV services and support national, regional, and local leadership in health care.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

This field support technical assistance will build on TA provided to UAC preparing for Global Fund Principal Recipient Assessment in July-Aug 2011. GMS also supported initial capacity building in the establishment of minimum required program and financial management systems in UAC . In collaboration with the USAID-funded USCP/Futures project and with FY 2012 funds, the follow-on to GMS Project will provide short-term technical assistance to UAC in the first 6 to 9 months after GF Grant is signed.

Before signing the GF Grant in Dec 2011, UAC will receive short-term technical assistance from USG/Ukraine that includes: a) technical assistance via current USAID HIV Service Capacity Project (USCP) to support the development of an international treaty between the GoU and Global Fund (upon which UAC will be able to implement the grant without delays and operational obstacles); b) via USCP - facilitate the necessary changes into the existing Cabinet of Ministers Resolution on International TA to include Global Fund and address other issues, incl. financial transfers, UAC compensation and retention, taxes, implementation of MAT; and c) via the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) project, support addressing critical issues around procurement and supply chain management. Technical support to UAC, through the Grant Management System mechanism, will include assistance in implementing Round 10 operational plans, conducting sub-recipient assessments and capacity building. Main activities include the set-up of new management and reporting structures, operational manuals, recruiting and training key project staff in program and sub-recipients management, financial management and donor reporting. Technical assistance in procurement and supply management will include ARV and OI drugs forecasting and quantification and stock management to support treatment for Round 10 in Phase1 (2012-2013). UAC is expected to assume the entire Round 10 procurement and supply chain management function during Round 10 phase 2 (2014-2016).

GMS Follow-on Project will collaborate and coordinate closely with USG, the Global Fund, other donor organizations, and key stakeholders throughout the project.