Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 9479
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

This is a NEW activity which is a follow-on to the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Emergency Plan

Progress (MEEPP) Project. MEEPP was launched in January 2005 and comes to an end in December

2009. The PEPFAR program in Uganda still needs monitoring and evaluation services as envisaged in the

MEEPP Project objectives.

The purpose of the MEEPP Project was to design, implement and maintain a comprehensive PEPFAR

performance management, monitoring and reporting system. Specifically, the MEEPP Project was to

support the USG PEPFAR team and its implementing partners, using performance improvement processes

and targeted technical assistance, to report high quality data in a timely and efficient manner in accordance

with OGAC's strategic information requirements. The project was also required to establish strong linkages

with host country institutions that are involved in the monitoring of HIV/AIDS activities in the context of the

national response.

This new activity is being designed with the same objectives as those of the MEEPP project but will be

competed so that a new implementing partner can be determined. An evaluation of the original MEEPP

program will be conducted and the lessons learned will influence the design of this new activity. The new

activity will therefore aim to pursue the same objectives as those of MEEPP but with modifications to reflect

what has already been achieved as well as addressing any new areas or approaches. The new activity will

therefore, at a minimum, assist the PEPFAR team, which includes CDC, DOD, NIH, Peace Corps, and

USAID under the leadership of the US Embassy, to maintain a comprehensive performance management,

monitoring and reporting program, including collection, reporting and validation of data from HIV/AIDS

activities and partners that are funded under PEPFAR. It will also coordinate with, and complement the

M&E activities of PEPFAR's implementing partners, facilitating harmonization and aggregation of data,

coordination with the Government of Uganda (GOU), and avoiding duplication of effort, using proven,

portfolio management approaches. By providing PEPFAR and its partners with a unified picture of USG-

funded HIV/AIDS activities, the new activity will help PEPFAR to maximize the impact of the USG resources

in achieving PEPFAR goals and targets. In this new activity the advances made by the MEEPP Project will

be built on in order to identify and implement the appropriate capacity building approach which will

contribute to strengthening the knowledge and systems for a sound, sustainable national HIV/AIDS M&E


Over the period of implementation the MEEPP Project has accumulated knowledge and insights that were

useful in the development and improvement of data quality assessment tools that in turn contributed to

better target setting and annual results reported to OGAC. MEEPP has established strong working

relationships with GOU and other stakeholders as is evident in the joint field data quality assessment

missions. Some of the important achievements include development and maintenance of user-friendly web-

based program performance database that stores and manages data by PEPFAR indicators, geographical

location, prime partner, USG Agency, and reporting periods among other attributes. The MEEPP Project

also conducted several data quality assessments that resulted in progressively more precise data on

partner performances where data overlaps (double counting etc) have been substantially minimized. Other

accomplishments include development of tools and reports that have facilitated clarity of data presentations.

In the process of improving the estimation of direct and indirect contributions of USG the MEEPP Project

worked with GOU to conduct joint data quality assessments that included the estimation of the national ART

coverage from which the USG indirect contribution is derived. Given these accomplishments, it was

recommended at the Mission Portfolio Review and by the PEPFAR Country Team that a MEEPP follow-on

project be designed in order to continue the useful work as well as venture into new strategic areas.

This new activity is designed to support all other program areas in enhancing program performance

management including measurement, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. It is also intended to build

capacity and strengthen the national M&E systems. The main objectives of the new activity include, but are

not limited to, the following; 1) Assess reporting readiness of EPT and related Implementing Partners

against OGAC reporting requirements, 2) Building on the monitoring methodology and evaluation

developments already accomplished, the activity will: i. Validate baselines and targets for each year of

activity, ii. Ensure use of common definitions and standards, iii. Collate and review data submitted by IPs in

order to analyze EPT trends and compare against targets, iv. Provide aggregated data to EPT in a format

usable for formal reporting to OGAC and the GOU, 3) Maintain a system for documenting processes and

impact to document how results and impact are achieved, which factors contribute to or hinder achievement

of results, and suggest ways to expand use of effective practices and improve PEPFAR performance, 4)

Advise the PEPFAR SI working group on defining the evaluation agenda and recommend methods to

ensure use of evaluation results for program improvement, identify lessons learned, and disseminate

evaluation results effectively, 5) Strengthen the M&E capacity of the PEPFAR Country Team, IPs, and host

country counterparts; and contribute to performance improvement and sustainable systems.

The activities of the new project will strike a balance between the immediate SI needs for PEPFAR and the

longer-term development needs for the national M&E system. The key activities can be summarized broadly

as follows; (i) Support the semi-annual and annual data collation, cleaning, and report submission to the

OGAC (ii) Populate and maintain various databases for purposes of facilitating data analysis and use

(including reporting) by the USG PEPFAR Team in Uganda, host government and other users, (iii) Working

with the SI team and host government to conduct data quality assessment and improvement surveys

(DQAIS), (iv) Mentor GOU staff to conceptualize, design, implement, monitor and evaluate their M&E

activities, (v) Assist the GOU to develop/improve and institutionalize M&E Systems (information systems,

databases, reports etc) in the context of the national Health Strategic Plan and multi-donor contribution to

the HIV/AIDS response- the "three ones", and (vi) Coordinate the carrying out of special studies/evaluations

(s) of PEPFAR.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17: