Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 7272
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $0

There is wide acceptance of the five key strategies for addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable

children that are presented in The Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Orphans and

Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS and Children on the Brink (2002). Economic

strengthening is an important component of the first three of these strategies (strengthening family

capacities, strengthening community capacities, and ensuring children's access to essential services). This

study is to be carried out in recognition of the importance of economic strengthening to these strategies.

Study Objective and Purpose.

The purpose of the study is to conduct a more rigorous impact assessment of economic strengthening

interventions that appear promising for scaling up and having a positive effect on orphans, and other

vulnerable children. Also, Assess cost-effectiveness Economic strengthening models taking into account the

economic level of households in which these children live, e.g. destitute, extremely poor and vulnerable to

being extremely poor. And also, provide strong evidence of the impact of certain approaches.

The objective of the study is to better inform programming for orphans, and other vulnerable children.

•Strengthen the economic capacity of vulnerable families and communities to provide more adequately for

their children's needs, and build the economic capacity of older children. Its purpose includes identifying

programs with economic strengthening interventions benefiting orphans and other vulnerable children, and

analyzing information on a sub-set of these programs

•Promote and facilitate linkages between current programs with economic strengthening activities benefiting

OVC and potential economic strengthening collaborators. The facilitation includes training on techniques for

identifying market demand, market competition, and establishing linkages with potential formal and informal

sector customers

The study broadly will consider "economic strengthening" activities and services that include the following:

1.Financial, such as savings and loans, and grants to individuals and households

2.Technical and skills training, such as agriculture, vocational training and apprenticeships

3.Asset protection and building, such as legal protection to children and widows and grants for community-

based asset building

4.Income generating activities, and Other, such as market linkages and improved technologies

Outcomes of the study

Identification of economic strengthening models that are suitable for OVC household economic situation.

Identification of good measures for classification of households and children in them, which can be

incorporated into program monitoring and evaluation systems,

•A better understanding of the effectiveness of certain approaches vis a vis certain types of households and

children (based on the classification system)

•Provide strong evidence of the impact of certain economic strengthening models, and better understanding

of best practices.

•This result should lead to identifying activities for scaling up and provide strong evidence for advocating for

more funds for economic strengthening to benefit orphans and vulnerable children.