Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5084
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Management Systems International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $500,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $500,000

The USAID Automated Directive System (ADS) requires that end of project evaluations should be conducted when there is a distinct and clear management need to address an issue. This activity will undertake 6 end of project evaluations for USAID PEFPAR projects that are scheduled to end in FY08. The purpose of the evaluations is to extract lessons that would benefit the USG/Uganda Team and GOU partner institutions with future programming either through extending or modifying current agreements, or ensuring that key lessons learned are built into existing or newly designed activities. Secondly, these evaluations will provide critical information to USAID and the USG in improving program design, management and implementation. The evaluations will also distill lessons learned about program implementation that will have a bearing on scaling up and replicating HIV/AIDS interventions in Uganda and nationwide. Resources are requested to conduct program evaluations for key USAID supported projects ending in FY08 including: The CORE Initiative/CARE, TREAT/JCRC, AFFORD, ESWAPI, MEEPP, and ACE

OGAC Reviews: 9204 - end of program evaluations - Is this enough money to support these? If this is for more than PEPFAR, is someone else leveraging this? We'd like to see the protocols for this when the contractors are chosen, and as a reminder of the TBD policy - please inform OGAC when TBD partners are identified.

Yes, we anticipate $100,000 being sufficient for the end of project evaluations. We will leverage other funds as appropriate.