Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4803
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: Institute for International Programs
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $109,413

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $109,413

JHPIEGO/JHU, through its Senior Technical Advisor based at PREFA, is contributing to strengthening PREFA's capacities in multiple areas related to PMTCT. Specifically, the principle emphasis areas addressed by this support are in training, local organization capacity development, strategic information, and policies and guidelines. The PMTCT technical advisor has a broad technical assistance scope of work that covers building the technical, administrative, and managerial capacity of the NGO, improving quality assurance, accessibility and overall increase in uptake and follow-up of PMTCT services at PREFA facilities. In year four of the JHPIEGO/JHU UTAP cooperative agreement, JHPIEGO will continue to support PREFA through the skills and experience of the Senior Technical Advisor to build capacity in PMTCT counseling, infant feeding, establishing referral networks and standardized record-keeping at all of the PREFA-supported sites. Public and private health care workers, as well as pregnant women and their families are the targeted beneficiary population. The PMTCT Advisor will continue to be key to the community component of PREFA's PMTCT program, the objectives of which include increasing understanding and acceptance of the benefits of PMTCT at the community and family level, thus generating increased uptake of PMTCT services. The Technical Advisor will continue to support capacity building at PREFA to achieve the specific targets enumerated in its monitoring and evaluation plan.

The PMTCT technical advisor's duties will continue to include, but will not limited to the following specific responsibilities: - Strategic and technical guidance in training and community programs - Review documents to ensure updated information, quality and accuracy - Uptake and quality of comprehensive PMTCT at facility level to ensure research results are translated into increased quality service - Operational research design and documentation

To distinguish JHPIEGO's output indicators from the general PMTCT indicators, we would assess these indicators as they relate to a) the inputs of the PREFA Senior Technical Advisor and/or b) pre-service PMTCT capacity-building through curriculum development and training activities:

- Number of pregnant women who received HIV counseling and testing for PMTCT and received their test results at PREFA-supported sites receiving technical assistance from the Senior Technical Advisor - Number of pregnant women provided with a complete course of antiretroviral prophylaxis in a PMTCT setting at PREFA-supported sites receiving technical assistance from the Senior Technical Advisor - Number of health workers whose capacity for delivering PMTCT services according to national and international standards was improved through the pre-service program using the pre-service curriculum and pocket guide developed with technical and material support from JHPIEGO

JHPIEGO will also further support the strengthening of the PMTCT preservice education and inservice training capacity. Accordingly, JHPIEGO will provide technical assistance for the adaptation of curricular materials for pre-service PMTCT in Ugandan nursing and midwifery schools through supporting consultants to facilitate adaptation workshops, and by providing technical review and a subsequent workshop and orientation to the adapted package.