Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 10761
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0


Insert Narrative and include the following: (Refer to COP 08 entries as an example)

Need and comparative advantage:

USG Tanzania is committed to build capacity of the local government and their district health management

teams to expand and improve clinical services for PLWHA. Implementing partners are working closely with

the district teams to jointly plan, implement, monitor and support programs at facility level. While existing

contract mechanisms with some major implementing partners are ageing, there is a clear recognition that

support to the districts for various aspects of program management needs to continue.

USG Tanzania through its implementing partners is fully supportive of the district network model and sees

this approach as an essential component for sustainability.


FY2009 funds will be used to issue an RFA for local organizations (public or private hospitals, faith-based

organizations, or non-governmental organizations) who either have already demonstrated their capacity as

sub-recipients under treatment partners or have a history of operating successfully in domestic HIV care

and treatment programs. The purpose of the RFA is to fund a limited number of programs through

CDC/Tanzania to scale up HIV/AIDS services. Specific requirements will be laid out to ensure that the

organizations have systems in place to qualify for direct funding from the USG, that the organizations have

appropriate linkages and referrals for an effective continuum of care, and that the direct funding

arrangement will contribute to USG scale-up goals.

There are no targets attached to this activity as details still need to be laid out.

Linkages: The awardee will partner with other stakeholders and the Government of Tanzania in the

establishment of regionally integrated programs that will satisfy PEPFAR care and treatment objectives. All

programs are also intended to build on and not duplicate existing services.

Target Population: Patients with HIV and their families are the main target population in the selected


M&E: A formal and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan will be developed prior to

program implementation. The M&E plan will also delineate responsibilities for data collection, reporting,

analysis, and dissemination. Standardized processes for quality assurance (e.g., record keeping, data

management, adherence to procedures and policies) and for quality control of service delivery.


The awardee will working with regional and district authorities in the day to day activities of the program

within the existing system. Planning, implementation and monitoring of the activities will be done jointly with

the district staff. All awardee activities will be in line with Tanzania HIV AIDS Strategy. The awardee will hire

local technical staff and build capacity of infrastructure and human resource. Financial and program

management system capacities will be strengthened through training and technical assistance.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.09: