Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 14293
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Right to Care
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $22,568,467

USAID awarded 18 month hybrid firm fixed price contract for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in April 2012. The purpose of the activity is to assist the SAG to reduce the impact of HIV through the targeted provision of VMMC. The new award is in line with the national HIV Strategic Plan and PEPFAR guidance. The award will be modified to incorporate $6 million in one time MMC funding and $1,568,467 in reprogrammed TBD funding, with an overall objective to provide high quality, high volume, high efficiency VMMC services to 177,196 males aged 15-49 by building on existing USAID-supported VMMC sites; and to provide technical assistance to districts to ensure successful start-up of high volume, high quality government VMMC sites that can be sustained through public funding.This new award builds on USAIDs investments in the 15 sites and adds a new site in Zululand as well as a large number of satellite sites and outreach to expand catchment areas. All MMC coverage is in areas of high prevalence and will link with other strategic prevention programs including SHIPP, JHHESA and IOM. The activity is based on the lessons from the first year start-up and a quality assessment that was conducted in July 2011.The VMMC services are part of a comprehensive package of HIV prevention and health services for men ages 15-49, including referrals to other services. It combines community demand creation with national media campaigns to promote services and has a robust quality assurance system to monitor and evaluate the acceptance and safety of the services. The TA and training component leverages SAG funding and will assist them to identify and establish for high volume sites and train teams to meet its overall five-year target of 4.3 million adult VMMCs performed by 2

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $22,568,467

This contract supports SAG priority to increase voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) which is recognized as an important intervention to reduce the risk of male heterosexually acquired HIV infection. In response to the normative guidance and under the leadership of SAG, these funds support the scale up of safe VMMC. The VMMC services under this award include a minimum package of prevention services which include routine counseling and testing for all men and, where possible, their partners attending MC services; age-appropriate sexual risk reduction counseling; counseling on the need for abstinence from sexual activity during wound healing; and promotion of correct and consistent use of condoms. MMC services are implemented in accordance with national standards and international guidance with active linkages with other HIV prevention, treatment, and care and support services as needed. This award encompasses continuation and expansion of high volume high efficiency services that will include increasing demand for and access to services through outreach, communications, and community mobilization. The services also assure quality and equipment /commodities related to VMMC. The number of male circumcisions to be performed will be approximately 177,196 males aged 15-49. The partner will track coverage (percentage of the male 15-49) in their service area, including high volume, high efficiency sites in KwaZulu Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, and one in Free State. Communications and demand creation activities for VMMC will be age-appropriate and culturally sensitive, and will be designed as they relate to males and females.Almost all of the sites are in district hospitals and have provision of HIV counseling and testing (HCT) on site. Those sites that are either stand alone or are in private/mining hospitals also have HCT on site. Training and site set up will utilize national training guidelines and materials that have been developed by SAG and current partners. The VMMC services will be linked to care and treatment. $6 million of this funding comes from the one time MMC funding for SA and $1,568,467 comes from reprgrammed COP 2012 funds for MMC.

Subpartners Total: $0
Centre for HIV and AIDS Prevention Studies: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Mobile Populations
Workplace Programs