Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13585
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Shout It Now
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $900,000

The goal of this program is to increase knowledge of HIV status through increased access to HCT services using mobile vans and to link HCT services to other clinical and community HIV prevention programs for a comprehensive care package. The program is targeting youth: 60% females and 40% males aged 15 29 and 10% children less than 15 years of age in Gauteng and Limpopo.This program directly supports the prevention goal of the PF, including addressing female vulnerability to HIV and STIs by reducing incidence in the number of sexual partners. It is similarly supportive of the NSP goal to reduce new HIV infections by 50% and ensuring that 100% of the people diagnosed with HIV infection are linked to appropriate care, treatment and other support services. For sustainability HCT test kits will be obtained from the SAG health facilities in the supported districts. Shout It Now will procure medical consumables and HCT test kits (buffer stock only) for effective and safe clinical HIV testing. Shout it now will ensure that all program staff is trained by the approved external service provider on Quality Assurance to ensure quality of rapid HIV testing in line with the SAG HIV Policy guidelines. The project will contribute towards creation of a cadre of trained professionals for seamless transition to SAG management. Shout It Now will ensure all program activities, outputs, outcomes and impact are tracked effectively and generate monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports. Shout IT Now will integrate data systems to avoid duplication with SAG systems. Data systems will be electronic in order to permit timely reporting of all activities and outcomes.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $100,000

Shout It Now will build off of its successful community based HCT model to specifically target and link males aged 15-49 to medical male circumcision (MMC) services in geographic areas with significant PEPFAR MMC investment. Shout it Now will target males in numerous districts across Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and Limpopo provinces. The program will strengthen and utilize existing referral networks to directly link HCT clients to MMC, as well as care, treatment, prevention, and supportive services such as STI treatment, CD4 services, PMTCT, and substance abuse programs. Shout It Now will ensure follow up for referred HCT clients using effective tracking and tracing mechanisms. Shout It Now will conduct community outreaches where they will utilize marquees and tents to provide HCT services. One on one interactive video and modern technology will be utilised dring the outreach programs to provide standardized Sexual Reproductive Health messages and HIV prevention information. The videos will feature popular musicians and celebrities to provide HIV prevention messages in a manner that appeals to the youth.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $800,000

Shout IT Now will provide community based HCT services targeting youth: 60% females and 40% males aged 15 29 and 10% children less than 15 years of age at Ekurhuleni & Metsweding District, Gauteng (GP) Province & Waterberg District in Limpopo Province. The program will strengthen and utilize existing referral networks to directly link HCT clients to care, treatment, prevention, and supportive services such as MMC, STI treatment, CD4 services, PMTCT, and substance abuse programs. Shout IT Now will ensure follow up for referred HCT clients using effective tracking and tracing mechanisms. Shout It Now will conduct conduct community outreaches where they will utilize marquees and tents to provide HCT services. One on one interactive video and modern technology will be utilised dring the outreach programs to provide standardized Sexual Reproductive Health messages and HIV prevention information. The videos will feature popular musicians and celebrities to provide HIV prevention messages in a manner that appeals to the youth. The program will strengthen and utilize existing referral networks to directly link HCT clients to care, treatment, prevention, and supportive services such as MMC, STI treatment, CD4 services, PMTCT, and substance abuse programs. Shout IT Now will ensure follow up for referred clients using effective tracking and tracing mechanisms.