Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13558
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Human Sciences Research Council
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $225,000

The goal of this project is to pilot and field test culturally adapted prevention with positives (PwP) material for use by health care providers and lay counselors providing services to HIV-infected MSM and CSWs. These materials will be piloted and field tested in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape for future use throughout South Africa. The aim of this project is to develop population appropriate PwP materials to increase the number of HIV infected MARPs receiving appropriate PwP messages and interventions. Upon finalization, materials will be made available to the DoH and trainings and training of trainers will be conducted to ensure sustainability and local ownership. The successful implementation of this project will contribute directly to PEPFARs overall goal to reduce new HIV infections in South Africa among MARPs and their partners by: (i) Achieving prevention of HIV infection through evidence-based activities (ii) integrating new effective technologies and innovative HIV prevention intervention when found efficacious (iii) promoting a comprehensive package of prevention services for HIV-positive individuals in the target populations, including better integration of these individuals into care and treatment programs, to reduce the potential for further spread of HIV among MARPs. Additionally, by targeting HIV-positive MARPs with prevention interventions (preventing secondary transmission), this project contributes to the PEPFAR goal of preventing 12 million new infections by 2013. HSRCs project information system includes a customized module developed for this project designed to support reporting requirements. As such HSRC plans to comply with all CDC and PEPFAR reporting requirements and submit interim and annual progress and financial reports.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $225,000

In FY2012 HSRC will conduct focus groups and key informant interviews with health care providers (professional nurses, doctors and lay counselors) to obtain feedback on PwP material that have been adapted for most at-risk populations (MARPs) in South Africa. These materials were initially developed by CDC-HQ and have been used elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa (Tanzania, Namibia, etc). HSRC will introduce these material and train health care providers on their use. Health care providers will pilot the developed materials in their clinic settings and feedback information to HSRC regarding acceptability, utility and appropriateness of the provided materials. The information collected during interviews and focus groups will be used to refine PwP materials to be used by service providers and outreach workers addressing the prevention needs of MARPs. In each of the pilot sites, monitoring and evaluation reports will be compiled as to the implementation of the intervention by health care workers. In addition a report on the lessons learnt during the pilot will be compiled. Through the development of PwP materials appropriate for use with MSM and CSW clients, this project will build the capacity of the health sector to respond to the prevention needs of HIV-positive MSM and CSWs and allow for greater integration of PwP services for MARPs with other HIV services. In the later years of the project, distribution of materials and training will be scaled up (through trainings and training of trainers) to promote sustainability. In FY2012, $225,000 will be used to pilot materials and conduct focus groups and key informant interviews with service provider.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services