Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 9549
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Foundation for Professional Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $27,247,006

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $762,840


Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $20,215,466

Based on 2010 COP planning with provinicial decision makers in Northwest, Gautang, Eastern Cape, and Limpopo, REDACTED and seven pre-fabricated/parkhomes installed at rapidly growing Care and Treatment government facilities. The National Strategic Plan for South Africa, as well as provincial workplans, will guide the geographic allocation of renovations. No large-scale renovation work is anticipated.

The demand for treatment services has exceeded provincial budget and PEPFAR expectations for utilization of services. In order to ensure continued access to services for those already on treatment and for those who will be initiated in the upcoming two to three years, it is anticipated that a number of sites will require additional space (even as a temporary measure). REDACTED

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $1,375,664


Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $89,469


Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $1,671,950


Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $607,466


Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $1,610,439


Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $913,712


Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $3,617,390
Construction/Renovation $0
Human Resources for Health $3,617,390
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Safe Motherhood