PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
The South African Department of Defense (SA DOD) Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
program is an integral component of the SA Department of Defense Comprehensive Management,
Prevention, Care and Treatment Program. It focuses on training military healthcare workers with
standardized educational materials based on World Health Organization (WHO) and South African National
PMTCT guidelines to ensure appropriate and uniform PMTCT services for HIV-infected mothers and their
babies. Healthcare workers in all military hospital and clinic settings throughout all nine provinces will be
trained. The program will include counseling and testing of mothers as part of antenatal care, the provision
of antiretroviral treatment for PMTCT, in line with national policy, appropriate management of infant
deliveries, follow-up support for infant feeding practices, and linkages with treatment, care and support for
HIV-infected women. It is envisioned that PMTCT will serve as an entry point for male partners and other
family members to access counseling, testing, care and treatment services. The major emphasis area is
training, with minor emphasis on information, education, and communication, and policy and guidelines.
Target populations include adults, pregnant women, HIV-infected pregnant women, people living with HIV,
HIV-infected infants, doctors, nurses, laboratory workers, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers within
the military.
Since 2000, the SA DOD has provided a comprehensive care, management and treatment plan for HIV and
AIDS to members of the military and their families that includes PMTCT as a mode of intervention. This
PMTCT intervention has served as an entry point to treatment and care, thereby ensuring access to
treatment for women. Although this intervention has already been integrated into the HIV and AIDS
program, it has never received PEPFAR funding and is not standardized across all military units in all nine
provinces. It is envisaged that future management of the SA DOD PMTCT project will include more vigorous
PMTCT training for military healthcare workers and ensuring that healthcare workers are able to link
PMTCT and antiretroviral treatment programs. In addition, healthcare workers will also be trained to see
PMTCT as a HIV and AIDS service delivery entry point for the whole family, including mothers, fathers,
infants and other children. This expansion requires standardization of protocols, more vigorous
implementation of a comprehensive package of PMTCT services according to WHO and national
guidelines, and monitoring and evaluation of the PMTCT program.
ACTIVITY 1: Training
SA DOD will modify PMTCT clinical practice guidelines to be implemented in PMTCT programs. Existing
guidelines will be reviewed annually during a PMTCT workshop attended by SA DOD doctors and nurses.
The goal of this workshop will be to ensure that current WHO PMTCT guidelines and NDOH PMTCT
guidelines are being incorporated into all SA DOD communication tools and educational aids for
practitioners and patients and that PMTCT services available for whole families (including mothers, fathers,
and babies) are standardized across all military health units in all nine provinces. SA DOD will provide
standardized PMTCT training to healthcare providers using these evidence-based clinical practice
guidelines as part of a comprehensive package of PMTCT services. Dependent upon human resource
capacity within SANDF, the Director of the SA DOD HIV and AIDS Program will decide whether the training
will be centralized within SA DOD or will need to be outsourced to an accredited training institution. The
PMTCT training program was included for FY 2007 into the ARV training program, which is outsourced to
the University of Pretoria. One hundred eighty six healthcare workers have been trained since April 2005. It
is expected that another 56 healthcare workers will attend this training in August 2007. Due to human
resource shortage and capacity within the SAMHS, the FY 2007 PMTCT funding has not been utilized, yet
this is still an unmet need.
ACTIVITY 2: Service Delivery
SA DOD will provide a comprehensive package of PMTCT services to every pregnant woman. A large
component of this PMTCT package is counseling and testing. All pregnant women will be counseled and
offered HIV testing using the opt-out testing approach. Women who test positive will be post-test counseled
and antiretroviral treatment for PMTCT will be provided. An important component of the comprehensive
package of PMTCT services includes the referral of HIV-infected women to treatment, care and support
services. SA DOD will ensure that all women are fully supported once the HIV status has been established.
This includes support on appropriate infant feeding practices The SA DOD PMTCT program will ensure
that PMTCT does not stop at delivery and an infant follow-up system will be implemented to ensure that the
HIV status of the HIV-exposed infant can be determined and the infant can be referred to treatment, care
and support services. This follow-up system will also ensure that HIV-exposed infants are monitored for
signs and symptoms of HIV infection and that cotrimoxazole prophylaxis is provided appropriately. The SA
DOD program will support HIV-infected pregnant women such that they are in a position to disclose their
HIV status to their families and can encourage their families to participate in the program. This will be done
by providing ongoing counseling and support to these women. SA DOD will also offer counseling and
testing to other family members, and family members who test positive will be referred to treatment facilities
as well. Presently, procurement of antiretroviral drugs for this purpose will be funded by PEPFAR as
managed by USAID.
The PMTCT package also includes micronutrient supplements (multivitamins, iron therapy, folic acid) and
recommendations for a well-balanced nutritious diet for pregnant and lactating women. Nutritional
supplements will be procured through the SA DOD budget. Guidelines will be given to all health units on the
provision of PMTCT and the SA DOD Monitoring and Evaluation team will track women who receive this
PMTCT package of services through the SA DOD health informatics system. It must be noted at this stage it
is not possible to report on the numbers of pregnant women receiving PMTCT services as the SA DOD only
reports on cumulative numbers of adult patients on treatment as agreed. This will be further explored with
the US and SA DOD M&E teams for future reporting in this financial year.
These activities will directly contribute to the PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals by averting HIV infection in children,
increasing access for people living with HIV to counseling, testing, care, treatment and support in the South
Activity Narrative: African Department of Defense, and increasing the capacity of healthcare providers.
The South African Department of Defence's (SADOD) activities are complementary to the other prevention
and care components within the Masibambisane program (the HIV Prevention and Awareness Program of
the SADOD). The focus of this abstinence and being faithful (AB) activity is the training of chaplains as
trainers in the moral, values and ethics-based program, which addresses gender equity, the role of men as
partners, and violence and coercion. This activity will facilitate transferring the value and ethics-based
program to members of the SADOD, training chaplains in pastoral care and counseling, and providing
pastoral care and counseling to HIV-infected and affected members. In addition, workshops are conducted
with unit commanders to ensure buy in and to address stigma and discrimination. Mass awareness and
targeted intervention programs will also address AB components of prevention. The activity has been
expanded to include training of Southern African Development Community (SADC) chaplains. Specific
target populations include HIV-infected pregnant women, people living with HIV (PLHIV), religious leaders
and health workers as well as all other personnel within the military.
The AB component of the Masibambisane program is an integral part of the Chaplaincy HIV program of the
Department of Defence. This ensures more focused prevention messages in terms of abstinence and/or
faithfulness. The program was developed with FY 2004 funding to expose all members of the SADOD to the
training. In order to achieve this objective, all regular Defence Force chaplains as well as a number of
Reserve Force chaplains were trained. The training was reviewed and redesigned in a three-day training
program. This training will continue in order to reach the optimal number of Defence Force members.
Since 2005, all chaplains are trained in the pastoral, care and support program to enable them to render the
appropriate care and support services to HIV-infected and affected individuals and families. This activity will
continue to be implemented by the chaplaincy of the SADOD.
All these activities are monitored through the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan for Masibambisane. The
M&E plan includes a focused program evaluation of the training courses. The chaplaincy will also involve
Reserve Force chaplains and liaise with the broader religious community to market the training programs to
civilian communities to mobilize faith-based organizations.
The chaplaincy developed both courses and trained the majority of chaplains within the SADOD. They have
also trained a group of chaplains from Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries and
those chaplains attended the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) chaplains' conference for the last
three years. Training of Reserve Force Chaplains has resulted in the expansion of the program to civilian
faith-based organizations.
The AB Program will continue with specific focus on highly vulnerable target groups such as the Military
Skills Development (basic training) intake of young recruits between the age of 18 and 25 years.
This activity will provide training to chaplains of the SADOD, SADC, and the NATO in the values- and ethics
-based intervention program to empower them to facilitate HIV prevention through abstinence and being
faithful. This requires updating and customization of the training curriculum and the printing of training
The activity aims to execute the values- and ethics-based program within the SADOD as part of unit
workplace programs to members of the SADOD, focusing on activities that promote abstinence; for
instance, development of skills in unmarried individuals for practicing abstinence and adoption of norms that
supports delaying sex until marriage and that denounce forced sexual activity among unmarried individuals.
This requires the development and printing of facilitation manuals.
The SADOD will support the establishment of unit workplace programs through workshops with
commanders on the AB programs to ensure targeted abstinence and faithfulness interventions within units.
The commanders are the chiefs of the units, they have much influence on the military personnel in their
units, therefore their buy in is critical for the success of the program. The workplace program will also
address stigma and discrimination.
The SADOD will provide ongoing pastoral care and counseling to HIV-infected and affected individuals and
families within the SADOD with the secondary aim to prevent HIV infection through interventions that focus
on abstinence and faithfulness. This will ensure that the spread of HIV within the SA DOD is contained.
SA DOD will conduct community outreach campaigns to address abstinence and faithfulness through media
and awareness activities which includes the development and printing of information and educational
material. Awareness activities are an important component of the SA DOD Abstinence and Be faithful
Prevention Program targeting new recruits who are vulnerable group aged 18 - 25 years.
SA DOD will assimilate innovative ways of spreading AB information through attending PEPFAR prevention
partner meetings, publications in military and peer-reviewed magazines and journals and oral and poster
Activity Narrative: presentations on effective and innovative programs at conferences and seminars.
These activities will contribute to the prevention of HIV infection through increased pastoral care and
counseling in the SA DOD for PLHIV and increased support to healthcare providers thus contributing to the
PEPFAR goal of preventing seven million new infections.
This prevention activity mainly addresses workplace programs and includes a spectrum of activities such as
mass awareness; peer education on HIV prevention and gender equity through experiential learning and
theories of behavior change in adults; substance abuse prevention; training of South African Department of
Defense (DOD) members to develop and conduct prevention programs; and reducing stigma and
discrimination through guided introspection about participants' sexuality, case studies about people living
with HIV (PLHIV) fact sheets addressing myths, and confronting topics such as fear, stigma, isolation,
discrimination and marginalization. The primary emphasis area for this activity is training, while minor
emphasis will be given to information, education and communication (IEC), strategic information, workplace
programs policy guidance, quality assurance and community mobilization/participation. Due to new
evidence, safe male circumcision practices will be integrated as part of the HIV prevention program. Target
populations include military health workers, doctors, laboratory workers, adults, people living with HIV and
AIDS, and out-of-school youth within the military.
Masibambisane is an integrated prevention, care and treatment program in the SA DOD, addressing the
management of HIV and AIDS within the Department by interventions that target SA DOD personnel and
their dependants. The prevention programs include mass awareness; workplace programs with condom
distribution through condom containers in military units and sickbays (container supplies monitored by
workplace managers); information, education and training; gender equity and substance abuse programs
delivered by social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, peers and peer educators. The program
uses communication and education through a wide range of media such as pamphlets, posters, industrial
theater (dramatic plays that address coping with stigma and discrimination in the workplace) and videos.
The overall activities are ongoing and in FY 2008. the activities will be continued and expanded upon by
broadening the curriculum and reaching more SA DOD members. The activities are implemented in a
decentralized manner in military units throughout South Africa by various role players and coordinated on a
regional level by Regional HIV and AIDS Coordinators in the Masibambisane Program. A Knowledge,
Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey (SA DOD, 2006) indicates that there is an overall increase in
knowledge about prevention; however work still remains on preventing risk behavior practices related to HIV
infection. Community awareness and education programs include celebrations of World AIDS Day and
other HIV-related international and national days, exhibitions and displays, sport and recreation activities
that focus on HIV prevention and healthy living and unit competitions with HIV prevention as a focus. All HIV
training packages are centrally-developed by the SA DOD HIV Advisory Committee and the Social Work
Research and Development Department. Training aims are tailored to target groups (i.e. - healthcare
workers, peer educators, or occupational therapists).
Due to the scope of the program area, the SA DOD will carry out nine separate activities.
ACTIVITY 1: Workplace Programs
Workplace programs will be established through the training of unit commanding officers, workplace
program managers and military community development committees. Workplace programs include
discussions of safer sex practices with demonstrations of the correct use of male and female condoms and
the distribution of condoms via workplace-manager monitoring of condom containers placed in each military
unit and military sick bay. Condoms are obtained through the National Department of Health (NDOH) via
their distribution mechanism. This activity will be linked with the values and ethics-based intervention in the
Abstinence and Being Faithful program area and the gender equity training discussed under Activity 4 in
this narrative.
ACTIVITY 2: Peer Education
This activity will focus on peer educator training and training of peers. This includes training during
mobilization and preparation for mission readiness as well as training in the operational area. Other
components of this program are: knowledge and attitudes about HIV, skills required to act as peer
educators, and how to run HIV peer group training. This is accomplished through adult learning. Activities
include information about sexuality and occupational exposure to HIV.
ACTIVITY 3: Medical Transmission and Injection Safety
SA DOD will focus on the prevention and management of occupational exposure to HIV infection, including
medical transmission and injection safety through the placement of first aid kits in all workplaces, provision
of personal protective equipment, training of healthcare workers and cleaning staff on occupational health
and safety, and the development and publication of relevant IEC material.
ACTIVITY 4: Gender Equity
This activity will address gender equity and HIV through gender equity training, women empowerment and
men as partner projects, workshops, seminars and awareness campaigns on gender equity as well as the
development and printing of IEC material in this regard. This activity will be linked with the values and ethics
-based intervention in the Abstinence and Being Faithful program area and the peer education and training
discussed earlier in this narrative.
ACTIVITY 5: Substance Abuse Prevention
The development of a model and strategy and implementation of a substance abuse prevention program
will be the focus of this activity. This will consist of training of line commanders on the link between HIV and
substance abuse and a substance abuse summit for services and divisions.
ACTIVITY 6: Brief Motivational Interviewing
Activity Narrative:
Expansion of the pilot study on the use of brief motivational interviewing as a prevention strategy with a
particular focus on the prevention of HIV transmission from HIV-infected individuals.
ACTIVITY 7: Information Sharing
Diffusion of innovation through attendance of PEPFAR prevention partner meetings, publications in military
and peer reviewed magazines and journals and oral and poster presentations on effective and innovative
programs at conferences and seminars.
ACTIVITY 8: Awareness Campaigns
SA DOD will conduct mass awareness activities at the regional level that focus on celebrations of World
AIDS day and other HIV-related international and national days, exhibitions and displays, sport and
recreation activities that focus on HIV prevention and healthy living and unit competitions with HIV
prevention as a focus.
ACTIVITY 9: Male Circumcision
No male circumcision training or service delivery will take place without the express consent of the National
Department of Health. In the absence of such approval and based on discussions with the PEPFAR South
Africa team, funds could fully or partially be reprogrammed. Should the approval for safe clinical male
circumcision activities be given, the following male activities are proposed:
The demand for circumcision must be matched by provision of adequate equipment and training of
personnel to conduct safe, voluntary and affordable male circumcision. Increased provision of accessible
safe adult male circumcision services should increase opportunities to educate men in areas of high HIV
prevalence about a variety of reproductive and sexual health topics, including hygiene, sexuality, gender
relations and the need for ongoing combination prevention strategies to further decrease risk of HIV
acquisition and transmission.
Four main sub-activities will be included in the HIV prevention program:
-Review of policy on male circumcision in the SA DOD;
- Development of clear, consistent and accurate mass awareness messages that promote safe male
circumcision within the context of broader approaches promoting male sexual and reproductive health and
responsible sexual behavior;
- Capacity building of health care professionals to provide safe male circumcision services; and,
- Increasing access for the provision of safe male circumcision service delivery.
Training and messaging would be coordinated with the NDOH and with JHPIEGO, EngenderHealth, and the
NDOH TBD program on male circumcision.
Program implementation will be supported and supervised through staff visits to the regions and monitoring
and evaluation through the HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Program of the SA DOD to ensure
performance. Most of the activities and interventions are well established and the challenge in this regard is
to expand interventions to reach an optimal number of members in the SA DOD. The activities will be
scaled-up to reach more dependants; including children of military members.
The palliative care program focuses on training of clinic, hospital, and hospice health workers for SANDF,
and HIV-infected and affected individuals and their families. Program activities include training of health
care workers to effectively manage HIV-infected individuals, expanding terminal care facilities, establishing
a home-based care database, and distributing home-based care kits. OI prophylaxis, TB screening, and
identification of individuals who qualify for ART as services are available, will be addressed, following
National guidelines. The care and support is multi-professional and includes psychosocial, nutritional,
spiritual and people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) support. In addition, the program will address the
issue of stigma in the workplace through a targeted program evaluation and contribute to effective and
innovative palliative care programs through attendance of PEPFAR palliative care partner meetings and
conferences. Overall, the program supports the development and implementation of a comprehensive
palliative care plan as part of the South Africa Department of Defense (SA DOD) Plan for the
Comprehensive Care, Management and Treatment of HIV and AIDS.
The SA DOD provides care to the military and their families. Training of health care professionals in the
provision of holistic palliative care has been performed since the inception of PEPFAR, but the development
of a strategy for terminal care to HIV-infected members is fairly new and was established through PEPFAR
funding in FY 2005 following a needs assessment. Some of the main components of the terminal care
strategy are the development of infrastructure, including the upgrading of hospices, of which one was
included in the FY 2005 budget. Further hospices were planned for upgrade in FY 2007 and it is anticipated
that unit-based facilities for the care and support of terminal HIV-infected members will be established
during FY 2008.
ACTIVITY 1: Human Capacity Development
The primary aim of this training is to equip health care workers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to conduct HIV pre and post-test counseling interviews. Training of health care professionals will
be conducted through the Health Care Workers Course developed by the SA DOD. This is a four-day
course, of which two days are dedicated to developing interviewing skills and practicing pre and post test
counseling scenarios. Some time will be spent on issues of sexuality, policy and legislation, and
occupational exposure. This will enhance the ability of health care professionals to manage HIV-infected
individuals. Target health care workers will include physicians, nurses, social workers, and psychologists.
ACTIVITY 2: Provision of care
Expansion of terminal care facilities through the establishment of regional step down care facilities within
military communities Is planned in FY 2008. This may include upgrading or sourcing of hospice services
according to need towards management of individuals with terminal HIV disease. The package of services
also includes basic pain and symptom management and facility-based support for adherence to
opportunistic infections medications (including cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and TB treatment) and
antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Support to individuals providing home-based care through training aimed at optimizing quality of life and
effective management of terminal family and community members living with HIV, sourcing of home-based
care packages (inclusive of items like gloves) and IEC material to ensure appropriate care to terminal HIV-
infected individuals and to prevent transmission of HV to caregivers. The establishment of a home-based
care provider data base will help to ensure quality support to HIV-infected members and their dependants
when home-based care is required.
Patients will be identified for ART and referred, as additional ART services are expanded. Referral to PLHIV
support networks and workshops will help to address stigmatization and discrimination and will be a useful
strategy to ensure healthy living.
ACTIVITY 3: Addressing stigma
As a result of findings of KAP survey (SA DOD, 2006), which suggest continuing stigmatizing attitudes of
individuals surveyed, the SA DOD requested a program evaluation, using qualitative methodology, to
address stigma within the SA DOD associated with HIV-testing and HIV-infected in an effort to modify
existing prevention of stigma in the workplace programs and the Health Care Workers Course. The Director
of Nursing will work with the Military Psychological Institute (MPI) in the development of the methodology for
this evaluation.
ACTIVITY 4: Dissemination of innovation
The SA DOD will disseminate innovation through attendance of PEPFAR palliative care partner meetings,
publications in military and peer reviewed magazines and journals and oral and poster presentations on
effective and innovative programs at conferences and seminars.
Program implementation will be supported by supervision and quality assurance through staff visits to the
regions and monitoring and evaluation through the HIV M&E programs to track performance. Technical
assistance will be provided to the SA DOD by the U.S. DOD.
The activities will contribute to the PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals by increasing the number of individuals receiving
palliative care and support.
The SA DOD Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program is a relatively new development in the
Masibambisane program with a focus on establishing a data base and referral system for OVC of military
members. A needs assessment and pilot projects in four sites during FY 2006 will provide the direction for
the future focus and strategy of this program to include support services for HIV-infected infants, children
and caregivers in the military communities and capacity building of these services within the military through
the assistance of NGOs near these communities. The major emphasis area is linkages with other sectors
and initiatives and minor emphasis areas are infrastructure and community mobilization and participation.
The target populations are OVC and their caregivers, HIV-infected infants and children, military personnel,
volunteers and community leaders.
The Masibambisane program initiated the OVC program in FY 2005 with an institutional focus in terms of
establishing a database on military OVC and the initiation of projects at four sites as a pilot to determine the
need and direction in terms of services to OVC. The underlying principle was to establish networks within
communities to address the needs of OVC in general, address stigma and discrimination through access to
comprehensive services and military OVC specifically through collaborative partnerships. Due to the
extensive community involvement and leadership by the communities themselves, the four pilot projects
have had varying levels of success during implementation in FY 2006. This has provided valuable
information that will guide future strategies in this regard. Lessons learned at the pilot sites confirmed that
the approach towards the management of OVC will differ from site to site and need to address activities that
include training caregivers, increasing access to education, economic support, targeted food and nutrition
support, legal aid, as well as psychosocial support and palliative care. Collaboration with local NGOs will be
encouraged in all communities.
The OVC project is coordinated by the Directorate Social Work in the SA DOD as a sub-program of
Masibambisane and has been initiated at the four sites through a local coordinator and collaborative
workgroups from the communities. The projects at the four sites will be expanded to other appropriate
regions and integrated with terminal care activities where appropriate. The program will support the
activities of a military site in Phalaborwa (Limpopo province) while local NGOs will be targeted for funding
through USAID in the other three sites (KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and North West provinces). This
program will address beliefs and myths about HIV infection, prevention and treatment versus "cures". Self-
help resources that include books about military separation and its affect on families will be provided.
The implementation of activities that were planned for FY 2007 was delayed due to the staff restructuring in
the SA DOD. These activities will therefore be continued in the FY 2008.
ACTIVITY 1: OVC Tracking System
The SA DOD will develop a tracking system to identify and monitor orphans of military members in order to
provide these orphans with the healthcare services and support to which they are entitled.
ACTIVITY 2: OVC Service Site
The SA DOD will renovate a library at the Ba-Phalaborwa military site in Limpopo province to provide a
place for children to learn and foster their education after school. This library will provide an educational
atmosphere that emphasizes learning and a healthy lifestyle for OVC. References will address beliefs and
myths about HIV infection, prevention, and treatment and will include myths about "cures". In addition
information will be provided that deals with family separations and the stress that places on the family
including age-appropriate strategies to address these concerns.
ACTIVITY 3: Sharing Information
The SA DOD will sharing information and experiences through attendance of PEPFAR OVC partner
meetings, publications in military and peer reviewed magazines and journals and oral and poster
presentations on effective and innovative programs at conferences and seminars. The SA DOD and other
African countries will benefit from the information presented in peer-reviewed journal and at professional
All these activities will be monitored and evaluated with close supervision and support for quality assurance
and the identification of best practices in this program area. Technical assistance will be provided to SA
DOD by the US DOD in order to continue the participatory project begun in 2004, to assist with selection of
additional province to begin OVC military community mobilization and participatory action and to support the
participatory process as it evolves.
These SA DOD OVC activities will contribute to the PEPFAR goal of providing 10 million people with care,
including OVC.
Counseling and testing is a critical point of entry to care and treatment services, supports HIV prevention,
and is a pivotal component in the South African Department of Defense (SADOD) plan for the
Comprehensive Care, Management and Treatment of HIV and AIDS. The South African Military Health
Service has a scheduled health-monitoring program that includes HIV testing with pre- and post-test
counseling. Many of the regions have opted for the establishment of a centralized health assessment and
counseling and testing center. Routine counseling and testing (RCT) will be offered as an expansion to
counseling and testing (CT) for individuals as part of sexually transmitted infection (STI) consultations,
pregnant women and couples who plan a family, and CT performed as part of differential and TB diagnoses.
Individuals themselves will make voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) requests.
CT has a positive impact on HIV prevention, and the advantages of early identification and management of
HIV-infected individuals has been shown. This program area is supported through the development and
sourcing of media items, pamphlets and posters to encourage members and dependants to request or
accept an HIV test if they do not know their status or if they have been exposed to an activity with a high
risk of HIV transmission.
One of the major obstacles to requests for and acceptance of CT is stigma and discrimination, and further
support towards this program area is provided through the development and sourcing of media items,
pamphlets, and posters towards the establishment of a non-discriminatory organizational environment. This
includes media products aimed at informing members of the SADOD on the organizational HIV and AIDS
policy and strategy, as well as the management of HIV and AIDS in the SADOD.
The primary emphasis area of this activity is infrastructure development, and minor emphasis is given to
human resources, strategic information and training. Specific target populations include military personnel,
children and youth (non-OVC), men and women of reproductive age, doctors, nurses and healthcare
The military community is considered a high risk group due to various factors that include foreign
deployments and high mobility. CT provides an opportunity for prevention to both infected and uninfected
individuals. This activity is ongoing. FY 2006 PEPFAR funds were used for renovations and upgrade of
three centralized counseling and testing centers, and for training of healthcare workers. These activities will
continue during FY 2007 and FY 2008. Counseling and testing takes place at all military health care
facilities and therefore it is essential that all healthcare workers are trained in CT.
ACTIVITY 1: Offering of Routine Counseling and Testing/ Provider-initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC)
SADOD will upgrade healthcare facilities that will be used to provide confidential and effective HIV
counseling and testing in highly populated military areas. Healthcare workers will be trained on PITC and
RCT which will be supported by the development and printing of training material. SA DOD will develop
information education and communication materials, which will be used to encourage members to accept an
HIV test if they do not know their status, or, if they have been exposed to an activity with a high risk of HIV
transmission. Best practices will be shared through attending PEPFAR CT partner meetings, publications in
military and peer reviewed magazines and journals, and oral and poster presentations on effective and
innovative programs at conferences and seminars.
Counseling and testing centers will be established using PEPFAR funding. These centers will enable
confidential and effective CT for HIV, and in addition, will provide venues for the training of healthcare
professionals in CT. Training will continue during FY 2007 and FY 2008. Supportive media campaigns will
be established, and these campaigns will encourage voluntary requests for, and uptake of HIV testing.
Uptake of counseling and testing services will be monitored and evaluated through the HIV Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E) plan of the SADOD HIV and AIDS program. The impact of media on the reduction of
stigma and discrimination is monitored through the annual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP)
survey that is a sub-component of the M&E plan.
The South African Department of Defence (SADOD) has an existing HIV and AIDS program that includes
antiretroviral treatment (ART) services. FY 2008 funds will be used to improve and expand ART and related
services. The main emphasis area is human capacity development. The main target is people living with
HIV (PLHIV) in the military and their families.
This activity commenced in FY 2005 with PEPFAR funding and was mostly focused on the preparation of
pharmacies at the first rollout sites for ART, supplementing SADOD funding for the phased rollout of ART in
the military. Six ART sites have been accredited with the aid of PEPFAR funding, and further funding will
be utilized towards addressing human resource deficiencies that delay implementation of ART at these
sites. FY 2008 activities will focus on the acquisition of commodities in support of ART, laboratory costs
associated with ART, continued human resource support and activities that encourage adherence. Limited
uptake of current ART services may be addressed through a media campaign to educate members and
dependants on ART. To date only two of the six accredited ART sites are operational due to staffing issues,
and thus FY 2008 funding is focused on addressing the needs of the four sites that are accredited, but not
Training of personnel to strengthen management systems, improve the quality of service through training of
healthcare workers in ARV service provision.
Continued development, modification, and printing of media, including posters and pamphlets, towards the
provision of information and education on ART to members of the SADOD and their dependants.
Interventions aimed at increasing treatment adherence by utilizing, and adapting, where necessary,
available adherence tools.
A needs assessment will be conducted at the four focus ART sites to determine gaps in staffing, and a plan
to address these gaps will be developed and implemented by SADOD, with some support from PEPFAR
ACTIVITY 5: To ensure quality monitoring and evaluation, the SADOD will implement the HIV and AIDS
database developed in FY 2006 in order to capture all relevant patient data for tracking and reporting
purposes at the four focus ART sites.
These activities will contribute to the number of persons receiving treatment and care in the military, and
support the PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals.
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF)
Masibambisane program addresses all components necessary for a comprehensive M&E system for an HIV
and AIDS program. One major component is the health management information system (HMIS), which
was expanded during FY 2007 to encompass HIV and AIDS specific data. During FY 2008 the focus will be
on enhancing the system by developing data collection tools, updating the software package to enable the
efficient tracking of HIV and AIDS data, and training in M&E.
The development of a more comprehensive M&E system for the Masibambisane program has been
supported by PEPFAR since its inception in FY 2004. This plan has continued to develop over the past few
years as the HIV and AIDS program continues to expand. The HMIS used by SANDF is quite robust;
however, it has taken significant work to incorporate all relevant HIV and AIDS data that are required by
PEPFAR, the National Department of Health and the SANDF program managers.
During FY 2007 a total of 25 HIV and AIDS regional program managers were trained on M&E in order to
strengthen reporting at the regional level. During FY 2008 this base of training will be enhanced in terms of
quality as SANDF's Strategic Information (SI) requirements continue to expand.
Activity 1: Review development of data management system
In FY 2008 the SANDF SI team will review the ongoing development of the HIV program HMIS with the
larger SANDF HMIS. Systems enhancements will be undertaken as per this review.
Activity 2: M&E and SI training
The focus of this activity is the continued SI training for SANDF staff and ensuring that all have internet and
information technology access to improve reporting capability. It is important to note that internet and
information technology access is extremely important in light of PEPFAR/South Africa's dependence upon a
web-based reporting system for the quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reporting of results. To date SANDF
has had difficulty meeting USG reporting deadlines due to connectivity constraints. Moreover, data quality
is potentially compromised when results that should be reported electronically must first be manually
transposed and then reported in an altered format. This SI activity will also include training of regional and
unit level data collectors in data quality management and reporting. This is important because currently the
extent to which SANDF data management systems are capable of aligning with the reporting requirements
of PEPFAR is not consistent across data collection points, thus affecting reliability of reported results. An
NGO (outside contractor) has conducted an initial consultation and is being considered as the contractor to
implement a systems-wide data quality evaluation with associated training and mentoring.
Activity 3: Seroprevalence study
The partner will conduct an organizational seroprevalence study to determine an epidemiological baseline
for impact measurement of the SANDF's HIV and AIDS program. The key step toward enabling a useful
evaluation to occur during later years is the establishment of a robust baseline of seroprevalence within SA
DOD populations. This baseline will be the main activity in this area during FY 2008.
Activity 4: Data Quality and Managerial Audits of M&E Systems
During FY 2008 a series of internal audits and site visits will be conducted in order to verify data, services,
and facilities. These activities will enable the SANDF to report effectively the contribution of the
Masibambisane program elements and targets that contribute to the overall PEPFAR objectives for
prevention, care and treatment. Data obtained through the M&E plan as developed with the support of
PEPFAR funding is utilized to determine successful program components and to identify program gaps to
be addressed. The establishment of the data management system developed in FY 2006 is in the final
testing stage, and gaps identified are being addressed.
The main components of this program area are planning and coordinating workshops for all the relevant
role players, and building the capacity of those role players to strengthen this program. Most of the training
provided within the South African Department of Defense (SA DOD) HIV and AIDS Training program has
been developed internally by utilizing the knowledge and skills of members in the organization. Training
development workshops are now needed to update training content. The major emphasis areas of these
activities are policy and guidelines and training. The target population is public healthcare workers.
The Masibambisane program was established in 2001, and has received PEPFAR funding from FY 2004. It
is an integrated prevention, care and treatment program in the SADOD, addressing the management of HIV
and AIDS within the Department by interventions that target SADOD personnel and their dependants. The
prevention programs include mass awareness; workplace programs with condom distribution through
condom containers in military units and sickbays (container supplies monitored by workplace managers);
information, education and training; gender equity and substance abuse programs delivered by social
workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, peers and peer educators. The program uses
communication and education through a wide range of media such as pamphlets, posters, industrial theater
(dramatic plays that address coping with stigma and discrimination in the workplace) and videos.
The funding allowed the program to expand and to address program elements that were not possible
before. The program currently consists of seven generic disease processes each with various projects and
sub-projects, namely: prevention, promotion, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care, research
and development. These are managed by the HIV and AIDS management structure in the office of the
Surgeon General with the Director HIV and AIDS, advisory board, coordinating committee and regional
program managers in each province and each military hospital. The SA DOD HIV and AIDS Management
Structure that facilitate program development, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation. As the
program expands, various additional role players (new personnel that are coming onto the program, e.g.
doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and nurses) become involved that need to be provided with
induction training, and existing role players need to be provided with strategic guidance towards
comprehensive planning and effective coordination to ensure an integrated approach to HIV an AIDS
management in the SA DOD. This is done through workshops and training.
SA DOD will conduct training for regional and national SA DOD HIV coordinators and sub-program and
project coordinators in the strategic objectives of the program. This training will consist of a workshop that
reviews the results of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) study and discusses strengths and
weaknesses of the program to help plan for the following year's activities.
SA DOD will conduct strategic and operational planning work sessions to ensure integrated program
development and coordinated execution of program elements (e.g. PEPFAR M&E training which members
of SA DOD attend and then cascade to other regional coordinators). These work sessions will be led by the
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Director at South Africa Military Health Services. Representatives from all
provinces that collect data will be invited to participate. The sessions will address strengths and
weaknesses of the M&E processes and will include training in new M&E activities and guidelines issued by
SA DOD will hold training development workshops to assist in the establishment of new HIV-related training
courses and updating of training contents in existing HIV-related training curricula for SA DOD. Training
development will include courses specifically targeted at mid- and upper-level leadership concerning the
prevention of and identification and remediation of stigma and discrimination in the workplace.
A number of training opportunities and workshops have been funded since the inception of PEPFAR and
these opportunities have contributed to the success of the Masibambisane program. The Masibambisane
program is implemented through a cascade of national and regional program coordinators, trainers and sub-
program and project coordinators. These individuals are responsible for the development, planning and
execution of the program to address all the components necessary to ensure a comprehensive HIV and
AIDS Program in the South Africa Department of Defense, thereby supporting accomplishment of the
PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals.