Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 1402
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS/Office of the Secretary
Total Funding: $1,021,300

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $962,418

South Africa PEPFAR management is coordinated by a Secretariat that reports directly to the US

Ambassador and is located in the International Health Office in the Chancery. The Secretariat serves as the

central point for planning, communication and coordination on all PEPFAR-related tasks conducted in South

Africa by the various USG Agencies, and in doing so, assures that all USG contributions to PEPFAR reflect

the consensus of a united and dedicated USG team.

The Secretariat's roles include: 1) provide the US Ambassador and Mission leadership with information and

guidance about PEPFAR; 2) coordinate the implementation of PEPFAR with the South African Government;

3) communicate with the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator and coordinate preparation of the Country

Operational Plan and other required reports; 4) prepare reports on issues related to PEPFAR activities in

South Africa; 5) undertake programmatic and reporting activities to assure coordination and harmonization

of USG Agencies' responses to audits and Congressional inquiries; 6) organize regularly scheduled

meetings of the PEPFAR Task Force, keep records of all Task Force meetings, and circulate minutes to

Task Force members and the South Africa Core Team at OGAC; 7) document any Inter-Agency Annual

Program Statement (APS) and facilitate review and approval processes; 8) serve as a repository and

clearinghouse for technical and programmatic information regarding HIV, AIDS, and PEPFAR; 9) assist in

the preparation of speeches, articles and other communications regarding PEPFAR by USG

representatives in South Africa; 10) assist the Mission's Public Affairs efforts in publicizing and promoting

PEPFAR activities in South Africa, and provide public affairs support for implementing partners; 11) manage

and maintain the South Africa PEPFAR website and photo gallery, allowing easy access to technical

resources and information about PEPFAR in South Africa; 12) coordinate global health elements of the

Mission Performance Plan; 13) assist in the organization of PEPFAR partner and technical meetings; 14)

prepare and host VIP visits and audits; 15) collaborate with other major donor Agencies (e.g. European

Union, Department for International Development/United Kingdom, UNAIDS and Belgian Technical

Cooperation) to ensure programmatic synergies; and 16) attend meetings of SA Technical Working Groups

and assist in preparation and circulation of minutes.

PEPFAR funds currently support the following staff positions: 1) PEPFAR Deputy Coordinator; 2) Office

Assistant; and 3) one-half OMS position. PEPFAR funds will additionally support the following positions in

the coming year: PEPFAR Specialist/COP Manager and Communications Specialist/Web Master.

Recruitment for these positions has been completed and they are expected to be filled imminently. In

addition, PEPFAR funds will support one-half of the Health Attaché position that is being filled on a

temporary basis, but is anticipated to be permanently filled in upcoming months. Additionally, the State

Department currently funds a PEPFAR Coordinator position and a Health Assistant position. PEPFAR funds

also support a series of technical and partner meetings that may include: meetings with provincial

governments; a portion of the national South African Aids Conference; the Annual PEPFAR Partners'

Meeting; and technical meetings. An organogram detailing the HHS/OIH South Africa staffing pattern for

PEPFAR is uploaded as a supporting document. In addition to salaries, benefits and travel costs, the

management budget includes operating costs (such as utilities, administrative and logistic support, travel

costs, office supplies, etc.), and may include other items related to PEPFAR support. The total HHS/OIH

PEPFAR budget for staffing and associated management in FY 2008 is $962,418.

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $58,882

The Secretariat requests funds for International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS)

subscription of services including Standard, General Services, Information Management, Financial

Management Services, Personnel Services and Building operating expenses.