Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 10265
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0


A new activity in FY 2009 will be the building of an interface between TRACnet and OpenMRS, the

electronic medical record system.

The overall objective of the TRACnet project is to establish a comprehensive information system for the

HIV/AIDS program in Rwanda. It is currently managed by Voxiva, and its cooperative agreement ends in

September 2009. Since FY 2004, TRACnet has evolved from a pilot to a national ART program reporting

system. It is used to collect data on a monthly basis via the telephone and internet on HIV/AIDS program

indicators. As strong as the data collection has been, issues still remain around data quality and the use of

the data for decision making. There are also relatively few information products being generated with

TRACnet data.

In FY 2009, TRACnet will continue collecting data on ART and fully scale up collection of aggregate PMTCT

and VCT data. The collection of data on malaria, TB and disease surveillance will be integrated to TRACnet

in FY 2008, and these additions will be rolled out the following year. Also, an HIV patient registry which will

be made available during FY 2008 will provide a wealth of information on the epidemic in Rwanda. This

database is useful for research and contributes to strengthening the scientific capacity in the country.

Assistance will be provided to CIDC and implementing partners to analyze the data collected in order to

develop a culture of data use for decision making at all levels of the health pyramid. Further improvement

will be made on the TRACnet system in line with the needs of the end users of the system and CIDC

requirements. Also, more efforts will be put on improving and maintaining the quality of the data collected

through TRACnet.

In collaboration with Supply Chain Management System (SCMS), and building on work ongoing in FY 2008,

the drug reporting component of TRACnet will be rolled out to collect data required for quantifying drug and

supply needs. To improve data use for decision making, a contractor will collaborate with CIDC to train site

level personnel on data quality analysis techniques and upgrade the system to incorporate additional

analytic capacities.

Furthermore, the contractor (TBD) will create offline capacity for TRACnet so the majority of facilities without

internet connection can view and utilize the information in the system. Finally, the contractor (TBD) will work

with the ICT and technical units at CIDC to prepare information products and increasingly hand over

management of the TRACnet system.

Support will be provided to CIDC to implement the sustainability plan developed during FY 2008. In order to

ensure interoperability between OpenMRS and TRACnet, steps will be taken to harmonize standards used

by both systems and build an interface between the two systems to allow those ART sites that are using the

OpenMRS to send reports directly from their system without having to use TRACnet traditional data

transmission channels.

This activity reflects the ideas presented in the PEPFAR Five-Year HIV/AIDS Strategy in Rwanda and the

GOR National Multi-sectoral Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS Control by directly supporting the development of

a sustainable SI system for the national HIV/AIDS program.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.17: