Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5410
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

[CONTINUING ACTIVITY FROM FY 2006 -- NO NEW FUNDING IN FY 2007] This activity is related to HVSI (4987).

One of the major weaknesses with respect to HIV/AIDS data in Rwanda is the lack of its analysis and use at all levels of the health care system. TRACnet, Rwanda's phone- and Internet-based reporting system for ART, collects site-specific and aggregate program indicator data on a monthly basis. To date, however, these data have not been exploited for decision-making and program improvement.

In FY2006, a Task Order partner (TBD) will provide short- to medium-term TA for HIV/AIDS data analysis and use to central-level institutions (TRAC, USS, NRL, CNLS and others) as well as to DHTs. The first component of the activity will focus on building data analysis capacity at central MOH institutions and establishing a joint forum for reviewing and analyzing HIV/AIDS data on a monthly basis. Data reviewed will include TRACnet data on program indicators and drug stock, as well as other HIV/AIDS-related data compiled at the national level. The EP implementing partner will train a data use support team (composed of TRAC, USS, NRL and CNLS staff) to provide TA to health districts and CBOs in the analysis and use of this HIV/AIDS data for service improvement.

In the second component of the activity, the Task Order partner and the data use support team will conduct joint training of health districts in the analysis and use of HIV/AIDS data. In collaboration with DHTs, they will establish a system for quarterly review and analysis of ART, PMTCT and VCT program data in all districts, with semi-annual meetings to bring together district health personnel to compare data and trends.

This activity will build on the findings and recommendations of the national HMIS assessment (to be completed by April 2006) and will be carried out in collaboration with EP implementing partners, who will be responsible for reinforcing data analysis and use systems at the district and health facility levels. Tools and approaches for data analysis and use will be developed jointly by the Task Order partner and MSH, the prime EP partner for performance-based financing of HIV services.