Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4708
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

This activity relates to activities in HBHC (7187, 7163, 7191, 8144, 8714, 8718, 7245, 7220, 7177), MTCT (7244, 8697), HVTB (7169), HKID (7148, 7155, 7156, 7186, 8148, 8150, 8152, 8727), HVCT (7242).

Malnutrition is a significant cause of infant morbidity and mortality in Rwanda. According to the 2005 RDHS-III, 45% of children under five have stunted growth associated with chronic malnutrition. HIV-exposed infants and HIV-positive children and adults are more at risk of malnutrition, due to greater energy requirements and frequent micronutrient deficiencies. Nutritional care for adult and children PLWHA is currently weak. Health facilities often delay referral of cases of moderate and severe malnutrition, do not consistently provide nutritional counseling to PLWHA, and require additional or refresher training in overall clinical evaluation of nutritional status of patients. To strengthen nutritional management at facilities, at the end of FY 2005 FANTA seconded a local nutritionist to provide TA to TRAC and the Nutrition Working Group for the development of nutritional guidelines and tools for medical practitioners to improve the nutritional management of PLWHA and exposed and infected infants and children. Guidelines and tools include nutritional assessment tools for nurses, job aids and a training curriculum for improved nutritional management for PLWHA and HIV-exposed and infected children. These will be tested and finalized by the end of FY 2006.

In FY 2007, FANTA will continue to support the scale-up of strengthened nutritional care services at all health facilities. This will include revision of training curriculum based on feedback from sites, and development of a training plan with TRAC and districts for decentralized training of districts and health facilities in nutrition counseling, clinical evaluation, and treatment for malnutrition. Training will emphasize management of moderate to severe malnutrition among HIV-positive adults and children, including timely referral to hospital-level care.

The FANTA advisor will lead the Food and Nutrition Working Group and will provide TA to the Care and Treatment Unit at TRAC to integrate relevant nutrition indicators into site-level reporting forms and to enter and analyze nutrition-related data for trends and program performance. The local advisor will be further supported by the BASICS IYCF advisor for TA and linkages to nutrition in the context of IYCF. In collaboration with BASICS, the FANTA advisor and TRAC will monitor and evaluate nutritional activities and, in collaboration with districts, conduct quarterly performance monitoring of health providers in nutritional management of PLWHA, HIV-exposed and infected infants and children, as well as management of children in therapeutic feeding centers. The FANTA advisor will also work closely with the PMTCT/VCT unit at TRAC and the MCH Unit of the MOH to ensure nutritional counseling and care is integrated into all PMTCT/MCH and CT activities, as well as with PNILT to integrate nutritional support for TB patients. In accordance with the new GOR directive to counsel and test children in nutritional centers, the FANTA advisor will work with the CT unit at TRAC to ensure that staff at all nutritional centers are trained in CT.

Funding under this activity will cover the costs of the advisor position as well as additional external TA costs from FANTA/AED HQ and one external nutrition-related workshop or conference. Costs for training activities; printing of curriculum, guidelines and tools; and costs of supervision visits will be included in the TRAC CoAg.