Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4363
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: World Relief
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0


This activity will fund an increase in the number of HIV-infected and affected individuals served through World Relief's ongoing Microfinance Grant. In FY05 WR received a two-year, $700,000 extension from the USAID SO7 Agriculture team to continue its successful microfinance program in five provinces. EP funds will be used to target PLWHAs and their family members, especially women, and to more fully integrate HIV prevention and stigma reduction messages in the microfinance training. WR will work closely with other microfinance institutions, specifically Vision Finance and Care International, to train PLWHAs and oversee their micro-finance activities. This program will collaborate with local PLWHA associations to identify and select individuals interested in starting business activities. TCI will refer women to this program in Cyangugu and Byumba, and CHAMP will ensure linkages between the WR program and other community-based care activities in Kigali-Ngali and Gisenyi.

Using a curriculum developed by WR, the program will teach money management skills and encourage disciplined saving. The project will also create well-organized informal support groups where members pool savings against future emergencies. All beneficiaries will receive HIV prevention and treatment information for themselves and their family members with HIV/AIDS. WR will refer HIV-positive beneficiaries to the nearest health facility for clinical palliative care to better manage their AIDS-related illnesses and to other USG-funded palliative care activities to receive additional community care and support. In Cyangugu and Ruhengeri, this program will link to clinics supported by the Global Fund and MAP. This program supports the EP five-year HIV strategy to integrate prevention, care, and treatment services and link prevention to other USG programs. This program addresses a number of key legislative issues on gender and stigma. WR will seek to strengthen and improve the coping mechanisms of Rwandan women and families living with HIV/AIDS by improving their economic livelihood.

****Plus-up Activity**** $100,000 - World Relief will provide food for therapeutic feeding to ART patients through Home Based Care (HBC) programs, PLWHA associations, and other community support programs on a six-month time limit. WR will leverage additional food provisions through the World Food Program (WFP), Title II Food for Peace and other sources, for PLWHA, particularly those on ART. Recipients will also receive nutritional education and be linked with support services to promote sustainable economic and health outcomes. 500 malnourished PLWHA will receive therapeutic feeding support and nutritional education and will be linked to economic support activities

The program will ensure care givers, PLWHA and OVC are linked to appropriate business development services, microfinance, vocational training, and other income generation activities. In particular, expanding income generating activities (IGA) will focus on encouraging the planned use and savings of generated income at a household level to help the affected families mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS.

Subpartners Total: $0
CARE International: NA