Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4359
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $155,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $55,000

This activity relates to HVAB (7230), HVOP (7229), and HVCT (7231).

The EP has supported the RDF since FY 2005 with activities aimed at promoting abstinence and fidelity among soldiers and their partners; increasing access and use of VCT services by providing mobile VCT services in battalions; addressing stigma associated with condom use; and promoting correct and consistent condom use among soldiers. To improve the quality of these services and assess their impact, more information is needed on the soldiers' behavior and their HIV knowledge.

To provide this support, the Director of the DOD HIV/AIDS Prevention Program will conduct an assessment by making multiple visits to Rwanda to meet with program staff, GOR officials, and beneficiaries.

The objective of this support is to assess the military population and the relationship between their sexual behavior, gender norms, and HIV knowledge and practice. The activity will focus on the level of alcohol consumption, condom use and gender based behaviors in the military. Primary data show that excessive alcohol consumption by a husband/partner appears to be a determining factor in the frequency of GBV within military families. Research has also shown that alcohol abuse not only increases the risk of violence, but also often results in sexual abuse and unprotected sex.

This activity addresses the key legislative issues of gender, particularly male norms and reducing violence. This activity supports the Rwanda EP five-year strategy by preventing transmission of HIV to high-risk groups and addressing gender relations in the context of HIV/AIDS.

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $100,000

The DOD Coordinator position began in FY 2006 and will continue throughout FY 2007. Responsibilities for the DOD Coordinator are broad and include management, coordination, and support of all DOD's EP activities in Rwanda. In addition, this funding supports costs for DOD technical assistance, which furthers development, monitoring and evaluation of new and existing programs. Additionally, these funds for the coordinator will support travel, training, workshops and equipment.