Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13498
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Central Contraceptive Procurement Project
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $413,519

The purpose of the central contraceptive procurement(CCP) is to provide an efficient mechanism for consolidated USAID purchases of contraceptives, including condoms, based on transfer of all funds from USAID accounts that support contraceptive procurement to a single central procurement account at the begining of each operational year. CCP also administers the commodity Fund, which serves HIV/AIDS prevention activities worldwide. The CCP project also provides a mechanism for independent testing of the condoms purchased by USAID or donated to USAID programs. In COP'10 two PEPFAR implementing partners funded through USAID( GHAIN and LMS ProACT) will be sourcing their male condoms requirements through this mechanism, this will enable them provide HIV prevention programs that promote changes in sexual behaviors other than abstinence or be faithful(OP), these efforts will contribute to USAID/Nigeria's strategic objective (SO) 14- reduced impact of HIV/AIDS in selected states, and feeds into one of the four intermediate results( IRS) under SO 14: Increased use of quality HIV/AID and TB prevention services and intervention.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $413,519

The central contraceptive project was establised to provide an efficient central contraceptive procurement mechanism for all USAID programs that responds to the request for contraceptives(including male condoms). Funds are transferred annually to this project through field support and from each USAID accounts that support contraceptive procurement. GH/PRH directs the use of these funds through a series of procurement contracts to provide contraceptive supplies for USAID programs worldwide.This project consolidates the procurement actions, but leaves responsibility for the estimation of condoms needs in the USAID offices that support the use of this commodity. In COP 10 USAID Nigeria will be pooling the procurements of male condoms for GHAIN and LMS ProACT projects respectively ( funded through USAID), 9 million pieces of condoms will be procured, of this number, GHAIN will be receiving 8.5 million pieces of condoms and LMS ProACT 0.5 million pieces of condoms respectively. REDACTED.

The CCP project will be responsible for the procurement, shipping , clearing and delivery to a central location in Abuja-Nigeria for the partners, under a door-to-door transportation plan, through a frieght forwarder that will be contracted by the CCP. Warehousing, Distribution, Inventory monitoring, logistics information management system (LMIS) for these condoms will be managed by the implementing partners(IPS).The IPS will ensure that these high quality condoms are delivered to the targeted clients which include the most at risk populations (MARPS), like the commercial sex workers (CSW), others who exchanage sex for money and/or other goods, those with multiple or concurrent sexual partners, men who have sex with men(MSM), transport sector workers and other occcupational migrant workers (OMW), these services will be provided according to the national policies, guidelines and standards. IPs will be providing this services through service outlets supported by their projects and through implementation agencies (IAs) in some instances, they IPs will build the capicity of the service providers and IAs to ensure that the clients are reached with prevention messages and condoms in line with set standards. REDACTED.