PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
New Activity
In C0P 10 the Safe Blood For Africa Foundation (SBFAF) Youth Expansion Program will establish 16 Club 25 chapters in 16 local government areas (LGAs), recruit at least 320 new club 25 members, train 192 young people and provide sexual prevention services, which include Abstinence, Be faithful, and Condom use (AB & C) to 20, 160 youth in line with the National Prevention Plan (NPP), and PEPFAR Guidelines. A combination of intervention strategies will be employed in SBFAF programming in COP10. Every individual within the target groups will be reached with a minimum of three interventions, addressing the individual at personal, community and socio-cultural levels. Also within the period, it is expected that 50% of this target audience will become regular voluntary donors. We can therefore estimate that 10,080 units of blood will be collected within COP 10. This will require an extended technical assistance programme for the NBTS from SBFAF.
In order to achieve the targets stated above and also contribute to the overall goal of developing a sustainable network of risk- free volunteer repeat blood donors among youth, SBFAF will reinforce safe life style messages to old members and introduce the safe lifestyle program to new members to help them address the challenges of the risk of HIV/AIDS, deal with peer pressure and also feel empowered to support their peers. This program will utilize Abstinence and Be Faithful messages as a key part of the Club 25 message. Club 25 abstinence and be faithful program (safe lifestyle) will focus on strategies that will include peer education (age peers), focus group discussions (FGDs) and non curricula based approach (drama and HIV) as part of the minimum package. The Youth Project will equip young people drawn from all project locations with peer education and FGD skills. The peer education will prepare selected volunteers to provide their peers with correct and complete information on HIV/AIDS prevention while the FGDs and Club 25 will serve as avenues for message reinforcement and sensitization activities using the "enter-educate" approach. This will be supported by targeted audio and print educational materials and community outreaches and reinforced by mass media campaigns.
SBFAF's abstinence/be faithful (A/B) program will focus on community mobilization and outreach activities that promote abstinence, fidelity, delay of sexual activity, partner-reduction messages and related social and community norms primarily in the project locations in Imo and Kaduna with the aim of reaching 14,112 (70% of the target audience) individuals with A/B Messages and 6,048 (30%) with "A" only messages.
Through community mobilization and dialogue this activity will particularly address norms affecting the behavior of women/girls and men/boys and inequalities between male and female that increase vulnerability to and the impact of HIV/AIDS. SBFAF will also mobilize communities to address norms/behaviors on cross generational and transactional sex. Community mobilization will equally promote increased male involvement in prevention activities, timely health seeking behaviors and address issues of stigma and discrimination.
An important partner in supporting the community at large, and youth in particular, to adopt and sustain abstinence/ be faithful behaviors is undoubtedly the faith community, leaders and organizations. Targeted and on-going advocacy will be conducted to ensure the religious leaders reinforce correct and consistent messages regarding HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma and discrimination as well as to promote health seeking behaviors and address social norms and inequalities that increase vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Religious leaders will be mobilized to include messages regarding HIV/AIDS in their weekly sermons in churches and mosques.
In addition, influential individuals in the community will be strengthened to provide age and context appropriate information in an aim to create an enabling environment for sustained behavior change. This will be implemented through advocacy and on- going mentoring.
Balanced AB messages will be provided during all community mobilization activities, with appropriate linkages and referrals made to other behavioral risk prevention programs for people in need of correct and accurate information about condom use. Referrals and linkages will be strengthened with other services, including Umbrella care, Preventive care, Clinical care and Support care as well as TB to benefit from the demand creation activities of the community mobilization in pursuance of the goals.
The activities will be implemented with technical support particularly from SBFAF national Prevention and Behavior Change communication units to intensify and expand community mobilization and capacity building activities.
SBFAF's secondary sexual prevention strategy will involve the utilization of multi-media to support the primary activities. This will entail the development and execution of, multi-media campaigns, development and distribution of SBC materials in addition to advocacy, capacity building, referrals, monitoring and evaluation of activities as well as provide mentoring to Implementing Agencies.
COP 10 SBFAF activities will be guided by the PEPFAR Guideline, the National Prevention Plan and the National Behavior Change Communication Strategy.
SBFAF will put in place appropriate monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment mechanisms to ensure that key lessons, success stories, and impact of the pilot project are effectively documented and shared.
SBFAF set up the Club 25 program in Nigeria in 2004 with only eight members. Club 25 membership is now made up of approximately 1,200 active and inactive members. The club consists of young donors aged 18-25 who are encouraged to live risk-free lifestyles and donate blood regularly. This age group represents a significant amount in the number of donors donating blood voluntarily in all the existing NBTS centers. Out of the 16,987 units collected in the year 2007, 8,428 were between the ages of 18-25. This represents half of the donor pool (an average of 49.6%) and demonstrates the criticality of a community based youth donor program.
Currently, Club 25 key program outputs are donor recruitment, peer education on the importance of blood safety and voluntary non-remunerated blood donation in senior secondary and tertiary institutions, media awareness, campaign activities and community outreach programs such as hospital and orphanage visits.
The blood safety message will be delivered alongside the abstinence/be faithful messages and it is expected that 50% of this target audience for the abstinence/be faithful messages will become regular voluntary donors. A key activity in blood safety messages is donor recruitment. We can therefore estimate that 10,080 units of blood will be collected within COP 10.
CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA SBFAF will contribute to the overall United States Government's (USG) strategic plan to combat HIV/AIDS by generating a critical mass of individuals within each project community to carry out sexual and other behavioral risk prevention activities with youth. SBFAF will focus on equipping these young people with appropriate skills to effectively carry out sustainable HIV prevention activities, including development and dissemination of strategic behavior communication (SBC) materials, community mobilization, condom use programs, peer education activities, counseling services, referrals and linkages among others. The Youth project activities will in turn contribute to generating demands for testing and counseling (T&C) and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services which serve as entry points for other services such as ART and palliative care.
LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES Youth project activities will continue to be linked to other relevant services available in the community. SBFAF will liaise with other IPs to facilitate access to other related services. Also, there will be linkages with community based blood banks.
POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED Low risk population aged 12 - 25 (in accordance with the new National Prevention guidelines) will form the target population to receive the Abstinence and Be Faithful, Blood Safety messages.
KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED All Youth project activities will take into consideration gender issues related to HIV/AIDS programs through providing equal quality prevention services without discrimination against sex, nationality, religion, creed, etc. as well as a concerted effort to increase male involvement in HIV/AIDS activities. Though young people below the age of 18 will be targeted with prevention and blood safety messages, the project will ensure that under aged are not recruited as donors.
EMPHASIS AREAS The youth club is the platform for the message. The club will be made to be appealing and attractive to youth. The "enter-educate" principle will be adopted in delivering the prevention and blood safety messages. The core of the program will remain the same, linking youth club activities, (e.g. sports, skill training, group recognition) with social participation and empowerment. The education and counseling in HIV prevention comes as a requirement to donate blood. Repeat donors are recognized with awards and public notice. This is a positive incentive and peer recognition that overcomes the social or cultural pressures to have sex.
In C0P 10 the Safe Blood For Africa Foundation (SBFAF) Youth Expansion Program will establish 16 Club 25 chapters in 16 local government areas (LGAs), recruit at least 320 new club 25 members, train 192 young people and provide sexual prevention services, which include Abstinence, Be faithful, and Condom use (AB & C) to 20, 160 youth in line with the National Prevention Plan (NPP), and PEPFAR Guidelines. A combination of intervention strategies will be employed in SBFAF programming in COP10. Every individual within the target groups will be reached with a minimum of three interventions, addressing the individual at personal, community and socio-cultural levels. Also within the period, it is expected that 50% of this target audience will become regular voluntary donors. We can therefore estimate that 10,080 units of blood will be collected within COP 10.
In order to achieve the targets stated above and also contribute to the overall goal of developing a sustainable network of risk- free volunteer repeat blood donors among youth, SBFAF will reinforce safe life style messages to old members and introduce the safe lifestyle program to new members to help them address the challenges of the risk of HIV/AIDS, deal with peer pressure and also feel empowered to support their peers. This program will utilize Abstinence and Be Faithful messages as a key part of the Club 25 message. Club 25 abstinence and be faithful program (safe lifestyle) will focus on strategies that
will include peer education (age peers), focus group discussions (FGDs) and non curricula based approach (drama and HIV) as part of the minimum package. The Youth Project will equip young people drawn from all project locations with peer education and FGD skills. The peer education will prepare selected volunteers to provide their peers with correct and complete information on HIV/AIDS prevention while the FGDs and Club 25 will serve as avenues for message reinforcement and sensitization activities using the "enter-educate" approach. This will be supported by targeted audio and print educational materials and community outreaches and reinforced by mass media campaigns.
In C0P 10 the Safe Blood For Africa Foundation (SBFAF) Youth Expansion Program will establish 16 Club 25 chapters in 16 local government areas (LGAs), recruit at least 320 new club 25 members, train 386 young people and provide sexual prevention services, which include Abstinence, Be faithful, and Condom use (AB & C) to 20, 160 youth in line with the National Prevention Plan (NPP), and PEPFAR Guidelines. A combination of intervention strategies will be employed in SBFAF programming in COP10. Every individual within the target groups will be reached with a minimum of three interventions, addressing the individual at personal, community and socio-cultural levels. Also within the period, it is expected that 50% of this target audience will become regular voluntary donors. We can therefore estimate that 15,120 units of blood will be collected within COP 10.
In order to achieve the targets stated above and also contribute to the overall goal of developing a sustainable network of risk- free volunteer repeat blood donors among youth, SBFAF will reinforce safe life style messages to old members and introduce the safe lifestyle program to new members to help them address the challenges of the risk of HIV/AIDS, deal with peer pressure and also feel empowered to support their peers. This program will utilize Abstinence and Be Faithful messages as a key part of the Club 25 message. Club 25 abstinence and be faithful program (safe lifestyle) will focus on strategies that will include peer education (age peers), focus group discussions (FGDs) and non curricula based approach (drama and HIV) as part of the minimum package. The Youth Project will equip young people drawn from all project locations with peer education and FGD skills. The peer education will prepare selected volunteers to provide their peers with correct and complete information on HIV/AIDS prevention while the FGDs and Club 25 will serve as avenues for message reinforcement and sensitization activities
using the "enter-educate" approach. This will be supported by targeted audio and print educational materials and community outreaches and reinforced by mass media campaigns.
SBFAF's abstinence/be faithful (A/B) program will focus on community mobilization and outreach activities that promote abstinence, fidelity, delay of sexual activity, partner-reduction messages and related social and community norms primarily in the project locations in Imo and Kaduna with the aim of reaching 30,240 (70% of the target audience) individuals with A/B Messages and 6,048 (30%) with "A" only messages.
CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA SBFAF will contribute to the overall United States Government's (USG) strategic plan to combat HIV/AIDS by generating a critical mass of individuals within each project community to carry out sexual and other behavioral risk prevention activities with youth. SBFAF will focus on equipping these young people with appropriate skills to effectively carry out sustainable HIV prevention activities, including
development and dissemination of strategic behavior communication (SBC) materials, community mobilization, condom use programs, peer education activities, counseling services, referrals and linkages among others. The Youth project activities will in turn contribute to generating demands for testing and counseling (T&C) and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services which serve as entry points for other services such as ART and palliative care.