Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4182
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Excellence Community Education Welfare Scheme
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0


The USG Nigeria team is proposing estimated targets in the narratives and not in the target tables in the COPRS for open solicitations for USAID APS and CDC RFAs. These solicitations have not been awarded at this time and targets will only be finalized and reflected in the target tables of COPRS after negotiations have been concluded and the award has been made.

This RFA will support community outreach to an estimated minimum of 10,000 individuals identified as high risk for acquiring HIV and directs them into counseling and testing and promoting prevention through activities that include abstinence, be faithful, and appropriate and consistent use of condom messaging. Services are to be delivered through a local NGO in underserved states in Nigeria that will be determined through this RFA which will be a limited competition (local organization) HHS/CDC RFA (PS06-626). The activities will focus on abstinence, be faithful, and condom use in high risk populations and intervention or referral for sexually transmitted disease syndromic management, interventions regarding development of prevention skills such as negotiating safer sex, community activities to engage Most At risk Populations (MARPS), and the provisions of VCT services including an approximate minimum of 4 sites to be operated under this RFA. Community outreach will focus on the target groups of ‘most at risk individuals' (e.g. truck drivers, military personnel and female sex workers ) and those at risk for becoming commercial sex workers (street youth) with the purpose of preventing geographical spread and preventing spread to families through discordant couples. The activity will provide access to correct and consistent condom messages with the goal of reducing HIV transmission in this high risk population. The activity will also reinforce faithfulness and partner reduction messages as an effective means to reduce HIV transmission in sexually active populations. The activity will provide referral for STI treatment, HIV treatment and care & support services. This activity will provide training to a minimum of 15 individuals as peer educators and lay counselors to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through other behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful. The HHS/CDC RFA will be specifically geared to new local partners. This RFA will strengthen the developed sustainability plan both at program and country level and will collaborate with other existing implementing partners to build capacity and reach proposed indicators.

Contributions to Overall Program Area: This activity will support the GON to increase local capacity to provide prevention services in most-at-risk populations through the identification of a new local prevention partner.

Links to Other Activities: The other prevention activities will be linked to counseling & testing (6748), and Basic health care and support (6747). This activity provides community outreach to individuals identified as high risk for acquiring HIV and directs them into counseling and testing. Those who test positive will be referred to HIV treatment services as well as care & support services

Key legislative issues: This RFA will address the key legislative issue of "Gender" since other prevention services will be provided equitably to women and men. This activity also addressed the issue of "Stigma & Discrimination", since HIV counseling reduces stigma associated with HIV status through education

Emphasis areas: This activity has a major emphasis on human resources and a minor emphasis on commodity procurement Information, education, communication, Linkages with Other Sectors and Initiatives and Training

Target population This activity will target Most At Risk populations which includes truck drivers, military personnel, out of school youth and female sex workers

Coverage areas: YTD

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Planned Funding by Program Area over Known Duration of Mechanism