Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 17525
Country/Region: Namibia
Year: 2014
Main Partner: University of California at San Francisco
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0 Additional Pipeline Funding: $900,000

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

CDC Namibia has a clear and well defined vision for its role in transitioning PEPFAR to a TA program, and is working actively to provide innovative ways to address both policy and programmatic challenges. CDC Namibia is deeply committed to helping the country achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation, as well as attaining PEPFAR global targets. The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) a vital part of those efforts, as the main TA partner focused on building local capacity in strategic information.

The Partnership Framework (PF) for Namibia, and the Global Health Initiative (GHI) strategy, strive to improve access to, and quality health of services in Namibia. UCSF will support these goals, as well as further country ownership and sustainability, and builds local capacity in a priority area. This mechanism strengthens the strategic information (SI) systems and builds the capacity at national and decentralized units of the MOHSS for data analysis and interpretation. UCSF helps the MOHSS increase the body of evidence for program planning at a national, regional, and district levels, reaching general and key populations such as female sex workers and men who have sex with men. UCSF will transition SI skills, including for routine surveillance, surveys, and robust evaluation. The transition of specific activities such as planning field work, training, and data analysis will be transitioned to the MOHSS, making the mechanism more cost effective over time. The monitoring plan includes the monthly financial and activity updates, as well as routine calls. By investing in high-quality technical assistance in critical SI elements, the expected outcome will be more evidence-based decision-making by the MOHSS, which will in turn have a positive impact on effiency.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Strategic Information (HVSI) $0
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

This mechanism has no published performance targets or indicators.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism