Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12437
Country/Region: Namibia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Church Alliance for Orphans
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $760,000

This is a new implementing mechanism that will follow-on to Church Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), whose funding under the New Partners Initiative (NPI) and from field support ends in September 2010. CAFO provides small incentive-grants to sub grantees undertaking OVC projects and services to over 10,000 orphans and vulnerable children as well as caregivers. Sub grantees are church congregations and other community-based organizations.

1. The new mechanism will be a cooperative agreement with a focus on community mobilization and advocacy for holistic and sustainable services to orphans and vulnerable children. It will have the following two strategic objectives: 1) to increase community capacity to address OVC needs, and 2) to advocate for comprehensive services to OVC.

2. The mechanism is in line with USG commitments of the Partnership Framework in terms of mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS through increased access to comprehensive care and support for OVC and PLWA, especially by way of supporting community initiatives to provide services to OVC. It is also fully in line with the forthcoming National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS and the National Plan of Action for OVC (NPA).

3. The geographic coverage will be limited to selected regions yet to be identified. Target populations will be orphans and vulnerable children and their caregivers.

4. The mechanism will empower communities to hold government accountable for implementation of OVC related policies and regulations, including access to welfare grants and fee waivers for services in education and health. Activities under this mechanism will also forge better networks and referrals between the social welfare, community development, and health and education sectors.

5. The following cross-cutting programs will be covered by the mechanism: Food and Nutrition, Education, and Economic Strengthening.

6. Sustainability of OVC community services will be addressed through low-technology income-generating activities which will contribute towards continuing OVC support with the need for external support decreasing over time.

7. A monitoring system with clear guidelines, procedures, and tools will be developed, which will be in line with the M&E plan of the NPA, and which will be compatible with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare's (MGECW) data system ('data warehouse').

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $760,000

This is a new activity.

Building on the results of the New Partners Initiative, this new activity has three main components: 1) sub-grants to community OVC projects, 2) training of community institutions and project committees on income-generation and quality OVC services, 3) data collection of violation of child rights for OVC.

1. Sub-grants to community OVC projects. Through community structures such as churches and traditional leaders, communities will mobilize to take responsibility for OVC in need of psycho-social, educational, nutritional or other support. Communities will build capacity to plan and to cost-out realistic community-level intervention. Sub-grants will then be issued to community projects for the implementation of the intervention, which should cover at least two of the seven PEPFAR service areas for OVC.

2. Training of community-based institutions project committees on income-generation and quality OVC services. Community institutions, project committees and leadership will receive training on project management, introducing income-generating activities that can support the OVC services, and quality OVC services (e.g. how to run an after-school activity, HIV life skills for OVC, early childhood activities, etc.). Project leaders will also receive training in the national standards for OVC services and medical referrals.

3. Data collection of violation of child rights for OVC. Cases of denial of rights or failure of service providers to grant access to vulnerable children will be recorded and used in targeted advocacy actions. These could include issues such as costs involved with education.

Regular supportive supervision and monitoring visits to all sites will be undertaken to ensure quality service provision, data capturing and proper financial management of sub-grants.

Sustainability components will include income-generating activities and building of private sector partnerships, as well as facilitation of access of social welfare grants for OVC and their caregivers.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Planned Funding by Program Area over Known Duration of Mechanism
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $400,000
Economic Strengthening $100,000
Education $200,000
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $100,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Safe Motherhood