PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
The Siyafundisa program is a continuing centrally funded activity that is divided into different components, addressing five main objectives: 1) increasing abstinence until marriage; 2) promoting fidelity in marriages; 3) decreasing harmful behaviors; 4) increasing the number of people who know their sero-status; and 5) strengthening early HIV/AIDS prevention. The primary program components are: skills-based training, community mobilization, community outreach, raising awareness and capacity building for youth. The Anglican Church continues to incorporate HIV prevention education in all the structures of the church, including Sunday Schools, Confirmation Classes, Youth Guilds, Mother's Unions, Men's Groups, and Clergy Forums.
In FY07, Sunday School teachers, Confirmation Class teachers, Clergy, Mother's Union and Anglican Women Fellowship members will be trained to be co-facilitators and trainers in AB focused HIV prevention. The program will be implemented in 16 parishes and 94 outstations (congregations) reaching 2,000 youth and training 622 youth as AB educators. Sections of the Anglican Churches Channel of Hope Manual will be used as a community mobilization curriculum. Each parish will have young people trained as community mobilizers, advocating and raising awareness of AB focused HIV prevention including facts and statistics on HIV prevalence among youth. Twelve (12) community mobilization trainings will be conducted in six different arcdeaconries (Odibo, Ehnana, Oshakati, Swakopmond, Windhoek, Mariental and the Walvis Bay). Each training will be conducted for three days, training 32 youth ages 18 - 24 (32 X 12 =384) on basic facts about HIV/AIDS and young people, and the importance of Abstinence and Being Faithful. A Clergy School training will also run for three days with emphasis on training clergy and lay leaders to instill the message of Faithfulness in relationships & in marriages; to more aggressively address the reduction of multiple partners; to challenge clergy to address the issue of prevention with men and support them to be responsible parents and husbands to their loved ones. These trainings will also cover the issue of cultures and attitudes towards Abstinence and Being Faithful as an approach to HIV/AIDS prevention. Training will also focus on empowering trainees to communicate the importance of men and boys in the fight against HIV.
Siyafundisa has adopted the Rutanang (Teaching one another) Peer Education model, which is a South African based peer education guide developed by the Harvard School of Public Health. It's a model used by different schools in South Africa. The peer education program will be piloted in four parishes: two in Windhoek and two in Odibo. The program will then be rolled out over 18 months throughout all the Parishes in the Diocese of Namibia. The Peer Education training is structured so that each parish will have a supervisor who is responsible for coordination of the program at parish level, selection of peer educators, training of peer educators and assistance with the logistics of developing education sessions. Once the supervisors have been trained, they will train 15 peer educators per parish, (16 x 15 = 240) who then become leaders for the peer education lessons. The peer educators will work in teams of three (240/3 = 80 teams) reaching 20 young people per team (80 x 20 = 1600). Rutanang participants will only be counted once they have finished all six sessions of training. The lessons include; self worth & self esteem, relationships, communication, assertiveness, refusal, asking for help, gender, media influence, personal safety and helping others. The curriculum is developed for the program with a clear AB focus on HIV prevention. Youth are divided into three age cohorts: 10 -13, 14 -17 and 18-24. Plans are being made to implement the program at the Diocesan schools in Windhoek and Odibo where the peer education will be introduced gradually.
Important events, which include World Aids Day, candle light memorials, Women's Day, Youth Sunday, Youth Month have been identified with special themes to address the issue of AB prevention and further engage youth in debates on the subject of the importance of Abstinence and Being Faithful. The themes will be linked and supported by scripture readings that will be developed into sermon notes (as a guide for clergy and lay people that lead the services in church on these selected dates). Posters, flyers and pamphlets will be produced with a specific theme for each occasion. In the area of capacity building, parish volunteers for the program will be trained through the services of Catholic Aids Action of Namibia on facilitation skills, program management, and implementing community-based training and education sessions. An "Ambassador" program will also be launched, which will form a network for all the volunteers of this program to exchange information and offer support across regions.