Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 6696
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS/Office of the Secretary
Total Funding: $140,817

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $140,817

In 2007, PEPFAR designated two provinces, Sofala and Zambezia, as focus areas for its programs. We

are proposing to add a third focus province, Nampula, for 2008. Nearly 30% of the proposed 2008 budget

is concentrated in these three focus provinces. Thus, an additional priority in FY08 is to support all three

focus provinces with sufficient staff to promote adequate coordination among partners and agencies and

take these activities to scale.

While some of these staff will be Maputo-based, there is an urgent need to have a more visible program

presence in the north of the country. Mozambique, approximately twice the size of California, is a relatively

large country with extremely poor road and travel infrastructure. Distances between sites are great and the

large majority of PEPFAR sites can only be reached by air travel from Maputo (eg. Maputo province only

borders Gaza province; travel by car from Maputo to the next closest provincial capital is 7+ hours and

usually requires air travel). Accordingly, we are proposing three Regional Program Officers. The Regional

Program Officers and support staff will be strategically linked to regional offices in the three focus provinces

to maximize coordination of PEPFAR program and harmonize activities with national counterparts,

specifically pertaining to the provincial-level health directorates, Provincial AIDS Councils and PEPFAR

implementing partners. Additionally, these Program Officers will be responsible for organizing the

numerous VIP visits, PEPFAR staff site monitoring visits, and improving linkages between services in the


There are four M&S activities for the Office of the Secretary which will cover staff salaries, office

infrastructure and other administrative costs. This activity contains funding for the following administrative


- Salary and benefits package for the PEPFAR Coordinator ($140,817)