Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5051
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2007
Main Partner: U.S. Census Bureau
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $280,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $280,000

This activity is linked to HVSI 9121.

The purpose of this activity is to strengthen Mozambique's national capacity to generate and use reliable mortality statistics, with a focus on HIV/AIDS and malaria, using validated verbal autopsy procedures. It will be implemented in collaboration with Mozambique's Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI).

Through the provision of technical and field support by MEASURE and Bureau of Census (BUCEN) (described in Activity X), Mozambique will conduct a mortality survey (called INCAM) in follow-up to the 2007 National Census. INCAM will determine the levels of HIV and malaria mortality over the previous twelve months as initially reported during the Census. A total population of approximately 844,000 residents in all 11 provinces will be covered by the INCAM survey. This survey, which will be implemented by National Institute of Statistics (INE) with assistance from the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Center for Health Investigation in Manhiça (CISM), can also strengthen the country's overall health information system by providing estimates of several additional mortality indicators, e.g. tuberculosis mortality, infant and child mortality, and maternal mortality. The INE Pilot Census, which will be conducted in October-November 2006—one year before the actual Census, will include a Pilot Mortality Survey to ensure logistic and economic feasibility. MEASURE and BUCEN are financing this activity through the FY06 COP.

To implement the full INCAM, FY07 funding is being requested for BUCEN to provide six technical visits by two key statisticians. Primary objectives of the work will be to assist INE and the MoH to refine processes and procedures based on pilot survey results and provide oversight and assistance. Specifically, they will oversee the sampling framework for the survey, develop the data system to support entry of INCAM forms, ensure data quality of collected data, and assist INE and the MoH in the analysis and production of reports.

An additional component of the INCAM will be a focus on data demand and information utilization. BUCEN, along with MEASURE, is assisting INE to develop indicator packages and data use calendars for national and sub-national use. These tools are based on the requirements of local, regional, and national government, as well as the needs of development partners. Upon completion of the INCAM, this activity will support INE and other stakeholders in staging workshops funded via MEASURE to help stakeholders understand and use the HIV/AIDS, malaria and other cause-specific mortality information, and communicate their findings to policymakers.