Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4764
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2007
Main Partner: American Association of Blood Banks
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $400,000

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $400,000

This activity is also linked with activity sheets 8196 and 9004.

The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) has been awarded Track 1 funding to provide technical assistance and support to the Mozambique Ministry of Health (MOH) National Blood Transfusion Program (NBTP) for purposes of strengthening the blood supply and ensuring blood safety in Mozambique.

Key activities planned by AABB for FY07 are:

1) Continue assistance in establishing a legal framework and appropriate blood legislation/regulation/policy 2) Establish a NBTP Advisory Board and continue assistance with the definition, improvement and implementation of an overall management structure for the NBTP. Develop a network of key stakeholders and regional partners. Provide appropriate management training for key NBTP personnel 3) Assist in securing approval and implementation of national standards related to blood collection, testing, and transfusion and then support training on these standards 4) Continue support and development of plans for renovation and expansion of NBTP facilities and improved procurement processes for critical equipment and supplies. Improve process for the installation, operation, maintenance, calibration and repair of critical equipment. 5) Develop data collection systems for Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Management Systems to routinely monitor progress and operational activities 6) Develop training materials and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for donor services, donor evaluation, donor registration/identification, blood collection, and mobile collection. Establish SOPs and training schedules for storage, transport and distribution of blood. 7) Conduct training sessions on donor services, donor evaluation, donor registration/identification, phlebotomy and blood collection in mobile units/ camps, blood component preparation and infectious disease testing 8) Train key NBTP personnel on quality management systems (QMS). 9) Conduct baseline Knowledge Attitudes and Perceptions (KAP) survey 10) Develop Information Education Communication (IEC) materials to educate donors and promote voluntary blood donation and develop consistently applied donor notification policy regarding test results. 11) Provide educational programs to physicians on appropriate uses of blood. 12) Provide fellowship opportunities for physicians in transfusion medicine through Atlanta's Emory University.