Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12101
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $0

The TBD prevention partner will work with the Lesotho Defence Force to use the data collected in the

2010 SABERS to strengthen, tailor, and focus their prevention program. Activities supported by this TBD

partner will assist the LDF to embrace a comprehensive prevention program including activities to

improve structural factors influencing HIV prevention, behavioral programs including peer outreach and

sports related ativities, and male circumcision. Sports centered activities started in 2009 such as VCT

and peer education at football matches were highly successful and will be continued. Peer education will

be strengthen and using the SABERS, peer educators will have enhanced content training and monitoring

and evaluation training. Military specific condoms will be provided in the context of the overall prevention

program promoting the military duty to protect one's self, family, and country. The prevention partner will

also integrate male circumcision messaging into all prevention modalities.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

The TBD prevention partner will support the Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) to conduct HIV trainings for

children and spouses, HIV infected soldiers, and officers, work with the LDF to use the data collected in

the 2010 SABERS to strengthen, tailor, and focus their prevention program. Activities supported by this

TBD partner will assist the LDF to embrace a comprehensive prevention program including activities to

improve structural factors influencing HIV prevention, behavioral programs including peer outreach and

sports related ativities, and male circumcision. Sports centered activities started in 2009 such as VCT

and peer education at football matches were highly successful and will be continued. Peer education will

be strengthen and using the SABERS. Peer educators will have enhanced content training and

monitoring and evaluation training. Know your status prevention campaign will be conducted which

attract both LDF and other uniform services. Funding under AB will focus on behavior change including

partner reduction and safe sex.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

The TBD preventionpartner will work with the Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) to use the data collected in

the 2010 SABERS,to strengthen, tailor and focus their prevention program. Activities supported by the

TBD partner will assist the LDF to embrace a comprehensive prevention program including activities to

improve structural factors influencing HIV prevention, behavioral programs including peer uotreach and

sports related activities and male circumcision. LDF prevention activities will focus on providing HIV/C/T,

provision of camouflaged male condoms and condom training along with messaging to reduce the

number of partners and concurrent partnership. TheTBD prevention partner will support the LDF to

conduct HIV trainings for spouses, HIV infected soldiers, and officers. The partner will support the LDF to

conduct prevention outreach at high risk venues that are frequented by the LDF and the community. The

LDF will continue and strengthen other prevention activities. The 2010 SABERS will be used to inform

prevention programming, allowing for a tailoring and focusing on the specific HIV risks found in the LDF.

Activities will include training of peer educators and refresher trainings for existing peer educators, and

training for HTC counselors. Information regarding male circumcision as a prevention modality will be

integrated into prevention education for LDF personnel. Outreach events will be conducted by LDF and

there will be use of community events such as soccer tournaments, LDF world AIDS day and army day.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $0
Education $0
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Military Populations