Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11731
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2010
Main Partner: U.S. Department of State
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $222,114

These funds will be used by the PEPFAR Secretariat in conjunction with the Partnership Framework

Management Team and the Government of Lesotho to strengthen local capacity to lead and manage

Lesotho's HIV/AIDS Response and promote to country ownership. The Secretariat will also work with the

US Embassy's Public Diplomacy Section to branding and promotional activities to enhance public

awareness of Lesotho's HIV/AIDS Response.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $222,114

The PEPFAR Secretariat will use these funds to support capacity building of GOL and local CSO and NGO staff. The Secretariat will work with the MOHSW and NAC to identify key activities and participants. Examples of activities include participation at key international meetings on HIV/AIDS and Health Systems programs and study tours that would benefit the Lesotho HIV/AIDS Response and enable local stakeholders to take ownership of the current programs. The PEPFAR Secretariat will also work closely with the Partnership Framework Management Team to facilitate quarterly meetings to enhance leadership and coordination of the Framework.

In general public awareness campaigns around Lesotho's HIV epidemic and Response are weak. One rarely sees billboards on public roads, posters in health facilities, or hears public health messages on HIV/AIDS around the country. To create increased awareness around the PEPFAR program and the epidemic, the PEPFAR Secretariat will work with the Public Diplomacy Section of the US Embassy in Maseru to enhance branding activities by PEPFAR partners and review IEC materials used in the program. The Public Diplomacy Section will provide technical assistance to PEPFAR partners and provide guidance to the PEPFAR team on branding and marking policies. The Public Diplomacy section may also review partners' promotional materials and provide appropriate materials to create more awareness around the Partnership Framework and its implementation.