Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 16700
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2013
Main Partner: United Nations Children's Fund
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $500,000

A critical task in supporting vulnerable children, including children affected by HIV/AIDS, is to build national child protection systems that prevent and respond to different forms of vulnerability. In Kenya, where children face enormous risks associated with orphaning, sexual abuse and exploitation, HIV/AIDS, and trafficking (among many others), the challenges to building national child protection system are vast. Practitioners who work on social services and HIV/AIDS in different parts of the country indicate that there is a significant gap between community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs) and the government led national child protection system. Existing research indicates that CBCPMs are more effective and sustainable when there are strong connections with the national system that enables referrals, capacity building, and provision of necessary resources. There need to develop models for connecting community mechanisms with formal and national system. The four-year program and training activities will enable urban and rural communities in Coast and Nyanza Provinces develop their own interventions for strengthening connections with the national child protection system. The project also includes extensive capacity building needed for mapping existing CBCPMs, facilitating an inclusive process through which the community develops appropriate interventions, monitoring and documenting the process through which the linking interventions are implemented, and using the lessons learned to encourage policy leaders and other stakeholders to develop stronger community linkages as part of efforts to strengthen the national child protection system. The expected results will benefit vulnerable children across Kenya with respect to both prevention and response.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $500,000

The funds will support the continuation and completion (next phase) of the Kenya Child Protection Study (lead researchers from Columbia University). The four-year program and training activities will enable urban and rural communities in Coast and Nyanza Provinces develop their own interventions for strengthening connections with the national child protection system. The project also includes extensive capacity building needed for mapping existing CBCPMs, facilitating an inclusive process through which the community develops appropriate interventions, monitoring and documenting the process through which the linking interventions are implemented, and using the lessons learned to encourage policy leaders and other stakeholders to develop stronger community linkages as part of efforts to strengthen the national child protection system. The expected results will benefit vulnerable children across Kenya with respect to both prevention and response.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $500,000
Education $100,000
Gender: Gender Based Violence (GBV) $300,000
Gender: Gender Equality $100,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Increasing women's legal rights and protection