Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12062
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Amref Health Africa
Main Partner Program: South Africa
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,200,000

This cooperative agreement with was awarded in FY 09 from FOA PS09-990. The activity was written into COP 09 as a TBD "PS-09-990" (mechanism ID: 12232.09, mechanism system ID: 12232). This mechanism is now being submitted in COP 10 as a continuing implementing mechanism with request for a new mechanism system ID.

The GoK is developing the national Monitoring and Evaluation framework following the recent finalization of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP-III). In order to cope with the rapid scale up of programs and the changing need for data at various levels, GoK and its partners, AMREF included, are developing strategies to strengthen national M&E systems. AMREF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of M&E activities. These include:

Developing and reviewing the 2009 -2013 National HIV/AIDS M&E framework

Developing an implementation plan for the M&E framework and supporting the GoK with the development and rollout of of tools for routine monitoring of HIV programs.

M&E technical assistance (e.g. for routine reporting of laboratory, community based programs and national TB data reporting) and institutionalizing data quality assessments to improve reporting and data use as health facilities.

M&E capacity building, including review of M&E capacity assessment reports, training and short courses to improve understanding of indicators, introductions to new/ revised tools and registers, data management, analysis, reporting and data use for decision making down to facility level.

Training of trainers (TOTs) at the national and provincial levels for M&E and program staff of NACC, NASCOP, the two Ministries of Health, AMREF, Afri Afya, and other implementing partners

The above efforts will greatly complement work by the GoK and other partners to strengthen health workers' capacity to collect, collate, analyze, report and use data to improve programs.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $1,200,000

The Government of Kenya (GoK) is developing the national Monitoring and Evaluation framework following the recent finalization of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP-III). In order to cope with the rapid scale up of programs and the changing need for data at various levels, GoK and its partners, AMREF included, are developing strategies to strengthen national M&E systems. AMREF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of M&E activities. These include:

Developing and reviewing the 2009 -2013 National HIV/AIDS M&E framework

Developing an implementation plan for the M&E framework and supporting the GoK with the development and rollout of of tools for routine monitoring of HIV programs.

M&E technical assistance (e.g. for routine reporting of laboratory, community based programs and national TB data reporting) and institutionalizing data quality assessments to improve reporting and data use as health facilities.

M&E capacity building, including review of M&E capacity assessment reports, training and short courses to improve understanding of indicators, introductions to new/ revised tools and registers, data management, analysis, reporting and data use for decision making down to facility level.

Training of trainers (TOTs) at the national and provincial levels for M&E and program staff of NACC, NASCOP, the two Ministries of Health, AMREF, Afri Afya, and other implementing partners

The above efforts will greatly complement work by the GoK and other partners to strengthen health workers' capacity to collect, collate, analyze, report and use data to improve programs.