PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
1. LIST OF RELATED ACTIVITIES This activity relates to activities in TB/HIV (#8846), ARV services (#6866), ARV Services (#6867), and PMTCT (#7016).
2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Columbia University's International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment (CU-ICAP) will increase and strengthen its support from 8 to 12 sites in Central Province in the provision of palliative care services. These activities will support palliative care services to 20,000 patients with HIV, including 1000 children. CU-ICAP will establish/enhance care and treatment networks centered at the provincial hospital and larger district hospitals in Central Province and extend a collaborative relationship with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) to allow for creation of a regional university-based training and technical support program. The collaboration offers an opportunity to develop quality assurance capacity on all levels (laboratory, pharmacy, clinical expertise), provides a forum for strategic planning for effective care and treatment programs, and informs targeted evaluation and strategic information needs. CU-ICAP will continue to work closely with the Provincial ART Officer for Central Province, for example supporting regular meetings of care providers in the area. Funds will continue to be used to support additional staff salaries in accordance with Emergency Plan guidance, renovations and equipment needed to provide treatment, disposable supplies, drugs for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, laboratory reagents, and the costs of supportive supervision and advanced training in HIV care and treatment for 60 health care workers.
CU-ICAP supports the development of high quality HIV care and treatment services in low-resource settings. CU-ICAP programs currently support HIV/AIDS activities in 11 African countries. In Kenya, CU- ICAP has established a foundation for HIV/AIDS program activities, including PMTCT-Plus and care and treatment. With regionalized planning for care and treatment services, CU- ICAP-Kenya was designated the primary United States Government (USG) care and treatment partner for the Central Province. CU-ICAP has established an efficient administrative and operations base in Nairobi and is working closely with CDC-Kenya.
3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA These activities will contribute to expansion of palliative care for clinically qualified HIV-positive patients, strengthened human resource capacity to deliver HIV care, and a strengthened referral network for provision of care services for people with HIV/AIDS.
4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES This activity links to ARV services (#6866, #6867)) and TB/HIV services (#8846), supported by Columbia University and coordination of ARV scale-up activities supported through the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP). Palliative care services will also link to PMTCT services (#7016) supported through Pathfinder International, through the linkage of care to HIV positive women identified through the PMTCT program.
5. POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED These activities target people (adults, children, infants) living with HIV/AIDS. Services for children with HIV are being established or expanded at all sites. Public health care providers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory workers are targeted for increased HIV care and treatment knowledge and skills. The program will also continue to support treatment for HIV-infected students at JKUAT. These youth are among an important focus population identified in Kenya's 5-year strategic plan for Emergency Plan Implementation.
6. KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED This activity addresses legislative issues related to stigma and discrimination through community sensitization activities.
7. EMPHASIS AREAS This activity includes minor emphasis in commodity procurement, community mobilization, human resources, development of networks/linkages/referral systems, human resources, local organization capacity development, quality assurance and supportive supervision, strategic information, and training.
1. LIST OF RELATED ACTIVITIES This activity relates to activities in Palliative Care (#6868), ARV Services (#6866, 6867) and PMTCT (#7016).
2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Columbia University's International Center for AIDS Treatment (CU-ICAP) will support TB/HIV services for approximately 20,000 patients at 12 sites Central Province. TB screening will be offered to all HIV patients as part of the standard of care in all the facilities; approximately 1,000 co-infected patients are expected to be identified. Funds will support refresher training of laboratory staff and improvement of basic laboratory microbiology capacity in order to meet the increased needs of TB testing. 25 health care workers will be trained to provide clinical prophylaxis and/or treatment for TB to HIV-infected individuals. CU-ICAP will maintain data concerning the numbers of people served and will report both nationally and through the Emergency Plan.
CU-ICAP supports the development of high quality HIV care and treatment services in low resource settings. CU-ICAP programs currently support HIV/AIDS activities in 11 African countries. In Kenya, CU-ICAP has established a foundation for HIV/AIDS program activities, including PMTCT plus and care and treatment. With regionalized planning for care and treatment services, CU-ICAP-Kenya was designated the primary USG care and treatment partner for central province. CU-ICAP has established an efficient administrative and operations base in Nairobi and is working closely with CDC-Kenya.
3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA These activities will contribute towards the provision of integrated HIV/TB care for dually infected patients by reducing TB morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected individuals and also reducing HIV related morbidity and mortality in TB patients co-infected with HIV. These activities will strengthen referral systems, improve diagnostics and treatment of TB among HIV-positive patients and strengthen capacity of health workers to provide integrated HIV and TB services
4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES The overall program activity links closely to Palliative Care (#6868) and ARV Services (#6866, 6867) currently supported by Columbia University and PMTCT services(#7016) offered by Pathfinder International.
5. POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED These activities target people living with HIV/AIDS. Public health care providers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory workers will receive training in the diagnosis and management of TB using government guidelines.
7. EMPHASIS AREAS This activity includes minor emphases in commodity procurement, community mobilization, development of networks/linkages/referral systems, human resources, local organization capacity development, quality assurance, quality improvement and supportive supervision, strategic information, and training.
"This will support expansion of Columbia University's COP 07 activities. 2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Columbia University's International Center for AIDS Treatment (CU-ICAP) will support TB/HIV services for approximately 20,000 patients at 12 sites Central Province. TB screening will be offered to all HIV patients as part of the standard of care in all the facilities; approximately 1,750 co-infected patients are expected to be identified. Funds will support refresher training of laboratory staff and improvement of basic laboratory microbiology capacity in order to meet the increased needs of TB testing. 75 health care workers will be trained to provide clinical prophylaxis and/or treatment for TB to HIV-infected individuals. CU-ICAP will maintain data concerning the numbers of people served and will report both nationally and through the Emergency Plan.
CU-ICAP supports the development of high quality HIV care and treatment services in low
resource settings. CU-ICAP programs currently support HIV/AIDS activities in 11 African countries. In Kenya, CU-ICAP has established a foundation for HIV/AIDS program activities, including PMTCT plus and care and treatment. With regionalized planning for care and treatment services, CU-ICAP-Kenya was designated the primary USG care and treatment partner for central province. CU-ICAP has established an efficient administrative and operations base in Nairobi and is working closely with CDC-Kenya.
1. LIST OF RELATED ACTIVITIES This activity relates to activities in TB/HIV (#8846), ARV services (#6866), Palliative care (#6868), and PMTCT (#7016).
2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Columbia University's International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment programs (CU-ICAP) will increase its support from eight to 12 sites in Central Province in the implementation and expansion of antiretroviral treatment programs. The collaborative activities will support treatment of 5,500 people with HIV (4,160 new patients), including 400 children, bringing the total ever treated to 6,000. These patients are in addition to the 2,500 patients that will be supported through Track 1 funding. CU-ICAP will establish/enhance treatment networks centered at the provincial hospital and larger district hospitals in Central Province. CU-ICAP will extend a collaborative relationship with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) to allow for creation of a regional university-based training and technical support program. The collaboration offers an opportunity to develop quality assurance capacity on all levels (laboratory, pharmacy, clinical expertise), provides a forum for strategic planning for effective care and treatment programs, and informs targeted evaluation and strategic information needs. CU-ICAP will work closely with the Provincial ART Officer for Central Province, for example supporting regular meetings of care providers in the area. Funds will be used to support staff salaries in accordance with Emergency Plan guidance, renovations and equipment needed to provide treatment, disposable supplies, drugs for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, and laboratory reagents, and the costs of supportive supervision and advanced training for 60 health care workers in HIV care and treatment. CU-ICAP supports the development of high quality HIV care and treatment services in low-resource settings. CU-ICAP programs currently support HIV/AIDS activities in 11 African countries. In Kenya, CU- ICAP has established a foundation for HIV/AIDS program activities, including PMTCT-Plus and care and treatment. With regionalized planning for care and treatment services, CU-ICAP-Kenya was designated the primary United States Government (USG) care and treatment partner for the Central Province. CU-ICAP has established an efficient administrative and operations base in Nairobi and is working closely with CDC-Kenya.
3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA These activities will contribute to expansion of ARV treatment for clinically qualified HIV-positive patients, strengthened human resource capacity to deliver ARV treatment, and a strengthened referral network for provision of ART.
4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES This activity links to palliative care and TB/HIV services, supported by Columbia University and coordination of ARV scale-up activities supported through the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP). ARV services will also link to PMTCT services supported through Pathfinder International, through provision of ART to HIV positive mothers identified through the PMTCT program.
5. POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED These activities target people (adults, children, infants) living with HIV/AIDS. Treatment services for children with HIV are being established or expanded at all sites. Public health care providers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory workers are targeted for increased HIV care and treatment knowledge and skills. The program will also continue to support treatment for HIV-infected students at JKUAT. These youth are among an important focus population identified in Kenya's 5-year strategic plan for Emergency Plan Implementation.
7. EMPHASIS AREAS This activity includes minor emphasis in commodity procurement, community mobilization, human resources, development of networks/linkages/referral systems, local organization capacity development, quality assurance and supportive supervision, strategic information, and training.
"This is an expansion of the 07 activities. Columbia University's International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment programs (CU-ICAP) will increase its support from eight to 12 sites in Central Province in the implementation and expansion of antiretroviral treatment programs. The collaborative activities will support treatment of 5,600 people with HIV (4,280 new patients), including 400 children, bringing the total ever treated to 6,120. These patients are in addition to the 2,500 patients that will be supported through Track 1 funding. CU-ICAP will establish/enhance treatment networks centered at the provincial hospital and larger district hospitals in Central Province. CU-ICAP will extend a collaborative relationship with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) to allow for creation of a regional university-based training and technical support program. " The collaboration offers an opportunity to develop quality assurance capacity on all levels (laboratory, pharmacy, clinical expertise), provides a forum for strategic planning for effective care and treatment programs, and informs targeted evaluation and strategic information needs. CU-ICAP will work closely with the Provincial ART Officer for Central Province, for example supporting regular meetings of care providers in the area. Funds will be used to support staff salaries in accordance with Emergency Plan guidance, renovations and equipment needed to provide treatment, disposable supplies, drugs for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, and laboratory reagents, and the costs of supportive supervision and advanced training for 60 health care workers in HIV care and treatment.
CU-ICAP supports the development of high quality HIV care and treatment services in low-resource settings. CU-ICAP programs currently support HIV/AIDS activities in 11 African countries. In Kenya, CU- ICAP has established a foundation for HIV/AIDS program activities, including PMTCT-Plus and care and treatment. With regionalized planning for care and treatment services, CU-ICAP-Kenya was designated the primary United States Government (USG) care and treatment partner for the Central Province. CU-ICAP has established an efficient administrative and operations base in Nairobi and is working closely with CDC-Kenya.