Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4204
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2007
Main Partner: American International Health Alliance
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $475,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $475,000

1. LIST OF RELATED ACTIVITIES This activity relates to activities in Abstinence and Be Faithful Programs (#6876).

2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Kenya Episcopal Conference - Catholic Secretariat (KEC-CS) is currently implementing an HIV prevention program in parochial schools. There is also a mass media component using a Catholic radio station. This KEC-CS project is funded as a sub-grant under the CHF capacity building project. KEC-CS works through a twinning relationship with DePaul University, a Catholic university where several professors have expertise in HIV prevention activities promoting abstinence and faithfulness. These professors also have expertise in monitoring and evaluation. The major activity which DePaul University will engage in under this twinning partnership will be to assist the KEC-CS in monitoring and evaluating their program which promotes abstinence and faithfulness among Catholic youth attending schools supported by the KEC-CS as well as assessing the impact of the mass media activities which KEC-CS is conducting.

3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA This twinning relationship will contribute to HIV prevention in youth, a high priority in the Kenya Five-Year Strategy. It will also assist in the evaluation of AB activities in Kenya. There are now many FBOs and CBOs implementing AB activities with PEPFAR funding. Most of these organizations do not have in-house capacity for a thorough assessment of the impact of their work, so the evaluation findings that this twinning project will generate will no doubt benefit other AB partners as well. In this regard, there are no specific targets attached to this entry.

4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES This project links to AB activities implemented by KEC-CS which are listed under the CHF capacity building project HVAB (#6876) CARE Kenya. The Twinning initiative will provide technical support to the Kenya Episcopal Conference/Kenya Catholic Secretariat's program in strengthening its M&E system and overall programming.

5. POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED The primary population being targeted by the interventions that will be evaluated is school children attending Catholic schools. A large FBO, the Kenya Episcopal Conference-Catholic Secretariat, will also benefit from this twinning partnership.

6. KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED Twinning is the primary issue addressed in this project.

7. EMPHASIS AREAS The major emphasis area is strategic information, as monitoring and evaluation is the primary activity to be supported by this project. A secondary emphasis area is local organization capacity development, as this activity will also build the capacity of KEC-CS to conduct monitoring and evaluation on their own in the future.