Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11371
Country/Region: Indonesia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $17,500

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $17,500

Management and Staffing Narrative

Budget: $17,500

The objective of this activity is to provide the resources necessary for the successful management and

oversight of the DOD PEPFAR Indonesia program. This activity provides managerial, administrative, and

technical support to the DOD PEPFAR program in Indonesia through a program manager working out of

US Pacific Command (USPACOM) as well as in-country Program support provided by the Office of

Defense Cooperation (ODC).

The DOD executor for HIV/AIDS in the PACOM AOR is the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management

and Humanitarian Assistance (COE). In Indonesia, COE works in coordination and consultation with the

Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC), US Embassy/Jakarta to implement a direct military-to-military

HIV/AIDS prevention program with the Indonesian Armed Forces Medical Services (TNI PUSKES).

The PEPFAR program provides funding for the Program Manager:

•Program Manager: This position is located at the PACOM/COE headquarters in Honolulu, HI, the home of

the US Pacific Command, and provides overall program management, guidance, and technical support.

Additional responsibilities include coordination and preparation of documents such as Administrative

Procedure Agreements (APA), after action reports of training activities, program planning and annual

reporting as well coordination of commodity procurement as required.

Support and collaboration for program implementation are provided by the ODC staff. This support is not

supported with PEPFAR funds.

•ODC Staff Support: ODC Chief, ODC Deputy and an FSN dedicated to program implementation. The ODC

Chief and Deputy provide local knowledge and awareness as well as provide a mil-mil face to the program.

The FSN dedicated to the program ensures execution of DOD activities under the PEPFAR program,

including coordination and facilitation of program activities, receipt of commodity procurement at Post and

assistance in preparing budgetary requirements and other program documents. Office equipment, supplies

and travel, including ICASS costs as required are also included.

It is anticipated that the management and staffing requirements for the DOD PEPFAR program will remain

unchanged for the foreseeable future as requested by the ODC office.

Activities and Expected Results:

USPACOM, though a program manager at COE, will provide overall program management, guidance and

technical assistance. The program manager develops and coordinates necessary documents to ensure

participation of all DOD parties as well as works with the COE Budget office and ODC to monitor and track

funds. The ODC FSN assigned to the project works directly with the ODC to provide on the ground

program administration, liaise with the TNI, facilitate and coordinate receipt of commodity procurements,

Funding also supports office equipment, supplies and travel. It is expected that this activity will allow the

DOD PEPFAR program to have the human and material resources necessary for the successful

management, planning, and monitoring of all program activities, including preparing and meeting reporting


HVMS - Management and Staffing

DOD Cost of Doing Business Narrative

Total Planned Funding: Total DOD $0

DOD has allocated $17,500 for management and staffing costs. This supports .2 FTE working on PEPFAR.

Program management is monitored from off-shore and is based in PACOM Hawaii.

To support this level of personnel, no ICASS, IRM Tax, or CSCS is being allocated.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.19: