Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 3143
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: enumerations.USDOL
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

Integrated Activities: This activity links to 6383.08


The world of work is an ideal environment to reach large numbers of adults with HIV/AIDS prevention

interventions. Providing access at the workplace to HIV/AIDS prevention information, as well as referrals to

counseling and testing, HIV care and treatment services is an efficient and cost-effective way to prevent

infections and to identify large numbers of persons in need of multiple HIV/AIDS services. SMARTWork and

its "tripartite" alliance of labor unions, private sector employers, and Haitian ministries of health, education,

and labor will reach large numbers of Haitian employees with HIV/AIDS risk elimination approaches

emphasizing partner reduction, mutual monogamy, alcohol and drug abuse, ‘know your status' messages.

During FY08, AED SMARTWork will implement the recommendations from the internal assessment

conducted in August 2007 which recommends that SMARTWork implement an exit strategy that would build

a legacy of enhanced capacity, particularly in the field of BCC and preventive education. Thus, in FY08

SMARTWorks will coordinate closely with local organizations' training or other services to build local

capacity to provide prevention training in the workplace. In addition, SMARTWork will focus on building

capacity within the existing enterprises to build in-house capacity for these enterprises to continue their

HIV/AIDS prevention and education activities focusing on fidelity and reduction of partners within this


These activities are split funded 25% AB, 75% OP.


Initiated in 2002, Strategically Managing AIDS Responses Together in the Workplace (SMARTWork) fosters

social dialogue around workplace HIV/AIDS prevention at national and enterprise levels, as well as stigma

and discrimination reduction. Taking a bipartite (business-labor) approach at the enterprise level and a

tripartite (business-labor-government) approach at the national level, SMARTWork aims to reduce HIV

transmission through effective prevention programs, and encourage policies that provide for workplace

protection and human rights of individuals affected and infected by HIV.

SMARTWork aims to target its efforts using evidence based strategies to respond to the epidemic. The

workplace is a critical channel to provide HIV/AIDS prevention interventions. SMARTWork does this through

workshops, outreach, and special events using a core group of trainers and outreach workers to deliver

messages that foster fidelity, partner reduction, and condom use. Complementing and reinforcing these

messages are workplace policies, IEC materials, and referrals to CT, STI, and care and treatment services.


SMARTWork will continue their on-going activities focused on HIV/AIDS prevention within the workplace;

but in FY08, activities will strive to build in-house capacity and ownership of the HIV/AID prevention

program within local NGO's. In addition, activities will be executed in conjunction with established local

NGO's working within the factories in order to transition the work from AED to local partners. It is

recommended AED SMARTWork follow the assessments recommendation conducted in 2007 which

determined that the current team of educators could be transferred to the VCT partners which next year will

receive no direct funding from Smartwork but rather direct funding from PEPFAR. The educators could

enhance pre-and post-test counseling by a wider array of preventive and educational activities addressing

issues such as stigma. They could also work to enhance the capacity of those in the workplace to carry out

independent educational activities so increasing autonomy and long-term sustainability of HIV prevention

within the workplace.

1. On-site Prevention workplace activities: SMARTWork will train local Haitian NGO's (e.g. Bernard Mevs,

City Meds) to conduct on-site workplace prevention education sessions for employees and management

and train a cadre of peer prevention educators in each participating workplace. Communication messages

and materials will be designed so as to target specific HIV/AIDS prevention needs of segments of the

workforce, depending on their occupations, ages, gender and other risk factors.

This work will be carried out in factories and with worker unions, and will be a continuation of SMARTWork's

program from previous years. A key component of the intervention will be messages of fidelity and

reduction of partners, as well as encouraging workers and their partners to know their status, and to

increase their access to HIV testing and counseling. For those testing positive or in need of STI treatment or

treatment of opportunistic infections, referral mechanisms will be in place so that employees can easily go

to sites where quality HIV/AIDS and STI care and treatment services are available, and reproductive health

services may be accessed. These activities will be linked to PEPFAR supported CT sites and CT will be

provided at Union events by City Med clinic.

Female focused activities: Similar to efforts with men, SMARTWork will work to build upon our experience

with female workers to target them with key IEC messages that emphasize women's empowerment and

usage of condoms and key negotiation strategies to protect themselves from HIV transmission.

2. Leveraging Union Partnerships: SMARTWork will continue to provide technical and financial assistance

to Haitian Union confederations: CTH, OGITH and CATH to establish union-based prevention activities

using union gatherings and written communication materials to expand SMARTWork's efforts to reach all 10

Haitian Departments. Unions have shown great progress towards achieving targets and SMARTWork will

continue to engage with union leaders and their members as a primary channel for conducting behavior

change outreach activities. Special focus will be given to incorporating these activities into ongoing union

training programs, and building union capacity to develop their own HIV/AIDS prevention programs.

Emphasis Areas % Of Effort:

Information, Education and Communication 10 - 50

Training 10 - 50

Workplace Programs 51 - 100


Number of individuals reached through community outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through

abstinence (a subset of total reached with AB):

Activity Narrative: Number of individuals reached through community outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through

abstinence and/or being faithful: 1,500

Number of individuals trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through abstinence and/or being faithful: 25

Target Populations:

Business community/private sector

Factory workers (Parent: Business community/private sector)


Key Legislative Issues:

Addressing male norms and behaviors

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

Integrated Activity: This activity links to Activity ID 11058.08


The world of work is an ideal environment to reach large numbers of adults with HIV/AIDS prevention

interventions. Providing access at the workplace to HIV/AIDS prevention information, as well as referrals to

counseling and testing, care and treatment services is an efficient and cost-effective way to prevent

infections and to identify large numbers of persons in need of multiple HIV/AIDS services. SMARTWork and

its "tripartite" alliance of labor unions, private sector employers, and Haitian ministries of health, education,

and labor will reach large numbers of Haitian employees with HIV/AIDS risk elimination approaches

emphasizing partner reduction, mutual monogamy, alcohol and drug abuse, ‘know your status' messages,

and correct and consistent condom use to promote behavior change and other prevention strategies.

During FY 2008, AED SMARTWork will implement the recommendations from the internal assessment

conducted in August 2007 which recommends that SMARTWork implement an exit strategy that would build

a legacy of enhanced capacity, particularly in the field of BCC and preventive education. Thus, in FY08

SMARTWorks will coordinate closely with local organizations' training or other services to build local

capacity to provide prevention training in the workplace. In addition, SMARTWork will focus on building

capacity within the existing enterprises to build in-house capacity for these enterprises to continue their

HIV/AIDS prevention and education activiteis.

These activities are split funded 25% AB, 75% OP.


Initiated in 2002, Strategically Managing AIDS Responses Together in the Workplace (SMARTWork) fosters

social dialogue around workplace HIV/AIDS prevention at national and enterprise levels, and fosters stigma

and discrimination reduction. Taking a bipartite (business-labor) approach at the enterprise level and a

tripartite (business-labor-government) approach at the national level, SMARTWork aims to reduce HIV

transmission through effective prevention programs, and encourage policies that provide for workplace

protection and human rights of individuals affected and infected by HIV.

SMARTWork aims to target its efforts using evidence based strategies to respond to the epidemic. The

workplace is a critical channel to provide HIV/AIDS prevention interventions. SMARTWork does this through

workshops, outreach, and special events using a core group of trainers and outreach workers to deliver

messages that foster fidelity, partner reduction, and condom use. Complementing and reinforcing these

messages are workplace policies, IEC materials, condom distribution, and referrals to CT, STI, and care

and treatment services.


SMARTWork will continue their on-going activities focused on HIV/AIDS prevention within the workplace;

but in FY08, activities will strive to build in-house capacity and ownership of the HIV/AID prevention

program within local NGO's. In addition, activities will be executed in conjunction with established local

NGO's working within the factories in order to transition the work from AED to local partners. It is

recommended AED SMARTWork follow the assessments recommendation conducted in 2007 which

determined that the current team of educators could be transferred to the VCT partners which next year will

receive no direct funding from SMARTWork but rather direct funding from PEPFAR. The educators could

enhance pre-and post-test counseling by a wider array of preventive and educational activities addressing

issues such as stigma. They could also work to enhance the capacity of those in the workplace to carry out

independent educational activities so increasing autonomy and long-term sustainability of HIV prevention

within the workplace.

1. On-site Prevention workplace activities: SMARTWork will train local Haitian NGO's (e.g. Bernard Mevs,

City Meds) to conduct on-site workplace prevention education sessions for employees and management

and train a cadre of peer prevention educators in each participating workplace. Communication messages

and materials will be designed so as to target specific HIV/AIDS prevention needs of segments of the

workforce, depending on their occupations, ages, gender and other risk factors.

This work will be carried out in factories and with worker unions, and will be a continuation of SMARTWork's

program from previous years. A key component of the intervention will be to encourage workers and their

partners to know their sero-status, and to increase their access to HIV testing and counseling. For those

testing positive or in need of STI treatment or treatment of opportunistic infections, referral mechanisms will

be in place so that employees can easily go to sites where quality HIV/AIDS and STI care and treatment

services are available, and reproductive health services may be accessed. These activities will be linked to

PEPFAR supported CT sites and CT will be provided at Union events by City Med March.

Female focused activities: Similar to efforts with men, SMARTWork will work to build upon our experience

with female workers to target them with key IEC messages that emphasize women's empowerment and

usage of condoms and key negotiation strategies to protect themselves from HIV transmission.

2. Leveraging Union Partnerships: SMARTWork will continue to provide technical and financial assistance

to Haitian Union confederations: CTH, OGITH and CATH to establish union-based prevention activities

using union gatherings and written communication materials to expand SMARTWork's efforts to reach all 10

Haitian Departments. Unions have shown great progress towards achieving targets and SMARTWork will

continue to engage with union leaders and their members as a primary channel for conducting behavior

change outreach activities. Special focus will be given to incorporating these activiteis into ongoing union

training programs, and building union capacity to develop their own HIV/AIDS prevention programs.

Emphasis Areas % Of Effort:

Information, Education and Communication 10 - 50

Training 10 - 50

Workplace Programs 51 - 100


# of targeted condom service outlets: 10 enterprises

Number of individuals reached with community outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through other

behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful: 4500

Number of individuals trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention prevention through other behavior change

beyond abstinence and/or being faithful: 75

Target Populations:

Business community/private sector

Factory workers (Parent: Business community/private sector)


Key Legislative Issues:

Addressing male norms and behaviors

