Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5125
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Institut Haitien de l'Enfant
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,300,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $1,300,000

Linked to Activities 9339, 9336, 9341, 9310, 9348.

SUMMARY: This activity will support further development of the Health Information System (HIS) for HIV/AIDS, supported by the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in various areas. It encompasses: (i) support to the United States Government (USG) team in the preparation of the PEPFAR annual and semi annual reports and the overall planning effort; (ii) technical assistance to the Ministry of Health (MOH) for elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and plan, and for the generation of reports on demand; (iii) technical assistance to IHE for improvement of data collection and reporting processes; (iv) support to SOLUTION for the overall design and continuous enhancement of the web-based Monitoring and Evaluation Surveillance Interface (MESI); and (v) technical assistance to the Regional Information Officers (RIO) of the USG team in rolling out the internet-based infrastructure, especially in system design and implementation. The primary emphasis of this activity is: health management information system (HMIS), information technology (IT), USG database and reporting system, and training. Specific target populations include physicians, nurses or health workers involved in data collection, data clerks, statisticians, District Regional Officers, Regional Information Officers, non-governmental organizations (NGO), and other local organization consultants involved in data. BACKGROUND: Tulane University/ University Technical Assistance Program (UTAP) began its assistance to USG Haiti in November 2003, prior to the advent of PEPFAR, to support the development of an M&E system for the national HIV/AIDS program. The goals of the assistance were to standardize indicators, organize M&E training for the MOH staff and key USG partners, and support the dissemination of HIV/AIDS data. This assistance was expanded under PEPFAR to incorporate additional tasks: (i) support to the USG team for preparation of PEPFAR reports, (ii) support to reinforce IT infrastructure and training of field staff in basic computer skills, (ii) technical support to IHE and SOLUTION for data collection validation, reporting and analysis. Tulane's strategy for this technical assistance has been to detail a full-time M&E officer in Haiti and commission specialized short-term consultations for specific projects. Through Tulane's assistance, more than 300 individuals have received M&E training; a plan for the deployment of an IT infrastructure has been developed and implemented with the goal of establishing a national network; 48 sites have been outfitted with basic computer equipment and internet connection; capacity has been installed at 6 sites to support point-of-care operation of the electronic medical record (EMR) developed by ITECH; field personnel have received hands-on training at different sites on the use of the computer and internet; the USG team has received regular support to prepare its annual and semi-annual reports; and various assessments of IHE and SOLUTION processes and mechanisms have been carried out. In FY07, Tulane will focus its assistance on those elements which are most critical for the establishment of a sustainable national strategic Information (SI) system. ACTIVITIES AND EXPECTED RESULTS: Activity 1: Tulane will provide technical assistance and support to IHE to ensure completeness, accuracy and quality of data being reported from the sites. IHE has experienced difficulties with late reporting, inadequate capacity to process and report data, and a lack of clearly-defined indicators. Tulane's assistance will include: (i) continuous assessment of the data collection process and reporting tools, (ii) adjustments to process and tools to meet the needs of the program, (iii) regular audit of data to include assessment of data quality, instruments, reporting templates and the database currently in use, (iv) joint site visits with IHE to review facility protocols and procedures and to compare log books with the central database, (v) comparison between data posted on the electronic systems (MESI and EMR) and data entered into paper systems, (vi) support for the preparation of a curriculum adapted to different categories of personnel, (vii) support to IHE for the development of a manual to better define the indicators (viii) training of IHE statisticians and database managers in the use of statistical package software such as the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and (ix) regular meetings with PEPFAR partner organizations collecting data for the national system and for their own needs to ensure harmonization of their system with the national system. Tulane will help create a tool for the audit of data from the sites. This overall assistance will be provided through the Tulane local M&E officer and through specialized short term consultations. This activity ensures that the processes, mechanisms, and tools existing for data collection, validation and reporting are adequate to provide high-quality data. Activity 2: Tulane will provide technical assistance for the continuous development of MESI. Although SOLUTION, the developer of MESI, is a sub-contractor of IHE, Tulane will: (i) provide technical support to continually assess the status of the MESI database for its completeness, relevance and

accuracy. Mechanisms will be developed to verify the MESI database and confirm that data have been updated; (ii) provide technical oversight/guidance for the development of key technical support documents to facilitate the uniform and consistent operation of the system. These documents may include data management plans and data quality plans and procedures; (iii) collaborate with SOLUTION to formulate new queries for generation of reports from the database and for the design of data reporting templates to be incorporated into the MESI; (iv) work with SOLUTION to incorporate a set of relevant and dynamic graphics for the display of information into MESI; (v) develop built-in formulas for data validation; and (vi) develop and implement with SOLUTION a data dissemination and use plan that includes promotion of the MESI database among implementing partners. Activity 3: Through its local coordinator, Tulane will support the USG team in the preparation and validation of data for the PEPFAR semi-annual and annual reports. Activity 4: Tulane will continue to support the deployment of IT infrastructure by : (i) providing technical assistance for needs assessment, design and implementation; (ii) providing structured cabling and servers at additional sites where the point-of-care operation of the EMR will be implemented; (iii) pursuing its sub-contract with Haiti Satellite for ongoing maintenance of internet connectivity; (iv) supporting computer training for the field staff in the use of the various applications developed for the program. This year, at least 10 regional staff will receive support to enable them to perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance. Activity 5: In FY07, Tulane will provide specialized consultations to the MOH to support organization of the task force which will develop the National M&E Plan for the National AIDS Control Program. The consultant will lead the task force by: 1) organizing task force and working group meetings; 2) ensuring efficient control of information; 3) working with all partners; 4) obtaining technical assistance from Tulane as needed; and 5) supporting drafting of the document.