Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13250
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $885,000

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $885,000

This COP11 activity will continue integrating, expanding and monitoring safe infant feeding practices and maternal nutrition as essential components of PMTCT services focused on HIV+ve pregnant and lactating women as well as HIV-exposed infants and young children. IYCN will continue offering technical assistance to operationalize the National PMTCT Strategy and strengthen and expand current PEPFAR partners' activities in Ethiopia to include infant feeding. IYCN will play a leadership role in ensuring that IYCF is a priority nationally. The project will continue enhancing the capacity of facility-based health staff in PMTCT, ANC and related services to provide appropriate infant feeding counseling in keeping with the then updated National guidelines which should reflect the new WHO guidelines and nutrition assessment to HIV- positive women with links to community-based support services.

For COP11, IYCN will build on its COP10 activities in Ethiopia to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission by: 1) Strengthening the capacity of facility-based staff to provide quality infant feeding counseling and nutrition services. IYCN will review the F-MOH's PMTCT Training Package to strengthen content on infant, young child and maternal nutrition in the context of HIV. 2) Developing IEC materials on infant feeding and maternal nutrition in the context of HIV. 3) Integrate and expand infant feeding and nutrition in the context of HIV within related programs. IYCN will also collaborate with UNICEF's maternal and child activities and USAID-supported child survival activities in the country to integrate IYCN in the context of HIV into their programs.

IYCN's will provide TA to existing strategies and programs being implemented by the F-MOH, partners and NGOs, and focus on developing staff capacity and skills in PMTCT and well-child/MCH. Well-designed training curricula, job aids, counseling tools, and BCC materials will help maintain high standards over time. IYCN support will build knowledge and skills on infant feeding and nutrition that will help sustain optimal nutrition practices at the facility, community and household levels. IYCN will also support monitoring and evaluation and develop quality improvement methods and integrate nutrition within PMTCT and increase linkages among ANC, PMTCT, nutrition and child health services. The additional $400 USD for COP 2011 is meant to conduct a consultative research (TIPS) on the acceptability of a separate feeding bowl to promote complementary feeding, print the counseling materials/job aids that we develop, or facilitate training workshops using the training materials developed by the project.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $400,000
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $200,000
Human Resources for Health $200,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning