Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 10465
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Salesian Missions
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,165,599

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $2,165,599


Salesian Missions, in partnership with Project Concern International, proposes to implement the CARING

FOR OUR YOUTH (CARING) Project in Ethiopia to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia by

increasing access to youth orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS, and providing holistic care,

community reintegration, and support for 60,000 orphans, street youth and children who have been made

vulnerable due to HIV/AIDS.

The goal of the CARING Project is to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia, and its purpose is to help

HIV/AIDS-affected children and adolescents grow and develop into healthy, stable and productive members

of society. To that end, SDBE and PCI, along with their implementing partners will work towards the

Strategic Objective (SO) of improved quality of life for children and youth made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS and

their families in Addis Ababa, Makele, Adigrat, Zway, and Debre Zeit, Ethiopia.

To achieve this SO, the CARING Project will

1) increase the number of OVC with their essential needs for shelter and care met by reintegrating OVC

with extended or foster families or their home communities, and by building the capacity of the SDBE

residential rehabilitation program for street children and youth;

2) increase the number of OVC receiving formal and non-formal educational and development opportunities

by expanding SDBE capacity to provide opportunities for formal and supplementary education, life skills

workshops, and recreational and sports activities, and by providing assistance with school fees, uniforms,

and supplies to effectively reduce barriers to attending school;

3) improve the economic status among households caring for OVC by providing older OVC with

opportunities for vocational/technical training, and by empowering OVC caretakers, especially women

through a savings-based economic self-help group approach;

4) increase access to critical, community-based OVC support services, specifically health/medical care,

nutritional support, legal support, and psychosocial support through the CARING Small Grants Program for

local CBOs and FBOs providing crucial community-based OVC support services; and

5) increase the practice of abstinence and faithfulness behaviors among targeted youth by training youth

animators and facilitating youth HIV prevention outreach events and workshops based on the successful

SM Life Choices methodology.

Target 1st year:

20,000 OVC