Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5546
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Jimma University
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $100,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $100,000

HIV/AIDS (ART) Program Implementation Support

This is a continuing activity from FY06 and relates to ICAP-CU activities: Technical Support for ART Scale-up (5664), Counseling and Testing (5728), TB/HIV (5754), Palliative Care (5618), PMTCT (5641), STI Services (5800), Laboratory Support (new) as well as activities implemented through the Twinning Initiative (5678).

Jimma University (JU), the first innovative Community Oriented Educational Institution of higher learning in Ethiopia, is a major contributor to skilled health human resources development for the country. Through the assistance of PEPFAR Ethiopia, the University Teaching Hospital has been a major partner in the implementation of the national HIV/AIDS program activities. To date, a wide array of anti-HIV/AIDS activities has been initiated by the hospital, including counseling and testing, PMTCT, ART, care, prevention and HIV/AIDS in-service and basic training that are supported by PEFAR Ethiopia. Diploma and degree HIV/AIDS M&E training programs that have been initiated through support from PEPFAR Ethiopia are among the highly acclaimed activities. The teaching hospital is serving as a site for in-service training of health workers required to roll-out HIV/AIDS program activities in Oromia, the largest and most populated region. In FY06, the University has strengthened HIV/AIDS prevention activities among the university students and staff in different campuses. Currently, the university is rapidly scaling-up ART services at the teaching hospital assisted by USG implementing partners.

In FY05/06 JU has secured PEPFAR Ethiopia's regionalized support by partnering with Columbia University (CU). HIV/AIDS activities in the University are being consolidated and JU is actively supporting the accelerated scale-up of ART program in Oromia and adjoining regions that constitute ART Operation Zone 2. This has enabled the University to strengthen ART services and the training being provided on various aspects of ART to all cadres of health professionals working in the university, its teaching hospital and the health networks in the catchment area of the of the hospital. It will enable the university to provide effective support to the in-service training of health workers in the Oromia and adjoining regions. It will help the University to organize and support relevant operational research, to assist in development and adaptation of technical materials for local use, and to serve as a demonstration site for other training facilities in the region, and to network with other institutions of higher education in Ethiopia, and to establish twinning partnerships with sister institutions overseas. In FY06, in collaboration with Ministry of Health and other local universities, JU will also initiate pre-service training in HIV/AIDS, with a major focus on ART.

For the university to establish itself as a technical support center in the long-run, managerial and leadership capacities need to be further developed in FY07. There is a need for deliberate action to establish managerial and technical capabilities by offering the university the opportunity as well as challenge to handle directly the administration and management of the technical and logistical arrangements required to support the health networks delivering ART and other HIV/AIDS related services. In FY07, the university will strengthen its support to in-service training and direct technical assistance to SNNPR Regional Health Bureau and initiate pre-service training on HIV/AIDS, including ART. Jimma University will be involved in targeted evaluation of HIV/AIDS program implementation and in regional activities related to data processing, documentation of best practices and dissemination scientific information. The university, while closely working with and getting intensive technical support from CU, will be provided with an opportunity to engage directly in managing its HIV/AIDS program though a cooperative agreement with CDC-E. This arrangement will allow the university to strengthen its engagement in managing its HIV/AIDS program and its support to the national and regional health networks. It will help the university start building the capacity it will need to take over the technical support currently provided by CU smoothly when the latter pulls out its support.