Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5471
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2007
Main Partner: National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $590,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $220,000

HIV Community Planning for Community ART Treatment Adherence

According to Ethiopian ART implementation guidelines, program management and coordination mechanisms should be in effect at all levels, including at the woreda and community levels. In addition, the Ethiopian National Social Mobilization Strategy emphasizes the need to promote community ownership of the HIV epidemic, and lays out necessary sequential activities to mobilize the community, including training of trainers for regional, zonal, and woreda representatives, and subsequent community planning activities.

In FY06, PEPFAR Ethiopia and NASTAD are working together in response to these national guidelines to promote community support of PLWHA and ART treatment adherence through refinement of existing HIV community planning materials and delivery of TOT for all regional HAPCO. Through these trainings, district and kebele AIDS committees are taught how to develop an action plan for community ART treatment adherence. NASTAD's TA providers are US State AIDS directors and their staff responsible for planning and delivering community planning training and support in the US, who travel to Ethiopia to provide "real-time" TA around these issues to their counterparts in regional HAPCO.

In FY07, ongoing delivery of TOT at the regional level is needed to provide reinforcement and address staff turn-over. In addition, regional HAPCO need ongoing technical support to continue with training activities at woreda and kebele levels. NASTAD will leverage resources with regional HAPCO and continue working with the leadership at woreda and kebele levels to address programmatic needs of ART services. Activities will include: (1) Refinement of the community planning for community ART treatment adherence TOT to include an additional module addressing PMTCT services promotion and uptake. (2) Provision of technical support and quality assurance in delivery of ongoing regional TOT in HIV community planning for community ART treatment adherence delivered in collaboration with JHU, Columbia, and I-TECH to 3 regions. NASTAD TA providers would travel to one region in each university zone in order to provide oversight, quality assurance and training individuals in three regions will be trained with each of these individuals then providing at least three kebele level trainings for 20 people. (3) Collaboration with Addis Ababa University to design, and deliver training for students on community planning and ART treatment adherence. NASTAD TA providers will pilot a TOT in Addis Ababa to university trainers. In addition, NASTAD will deliver the university TOT to the three regional universities of Gondar, Jimma, and Alemaya for 600 in 250 woredas during their summer vacation reaching 45 people in each woreda for the total of 11,250 trained. (4) Coordination with HAPCO to design and pilot an implementation guide for the National Social Mobilization Strategy. The guide would include a list of effective community ART treatment adherence activities; guidance on how to work with CBO, NGO, religious leaders, PLWHA to implement these activities; a description of the training and support they can expect from regional HAPCO; and a description of the information to report to regional HAPCO. (5) Use the ART implementation guidelines and the National Social Mobilization Strategy to promote community support PLWHA and ART treatment adherence through refinement of existing HIV/AIDS community planning for community ART adherence materials and delivery of the TOT for regional HAPCO. Through these trainings, woreda and kebele AIDS committees are taught how to develop an action plan for community ART adherence. Technical support in this area and quality assurance in delivery of ongoing regional TOT will provided in three regions for 3,600.

(6) Provision of technical support and quality assurance in delivery of ongoing regional TOT will be provided in six regions for 7,200. (7) Support of a full-time TA provider in Addis Ababa for six months to ensure delivery of TOT in nine regions for 10,800 people and provide one-on-one follow up assistance to staff in regions around implementation of the National Social Mobilization Strategy and ART community mobilization activities in the kebeles for level.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $370,000

Woreda /Kebele AIDS Program Administration Capacity Building (Community Planning)

This is a new activity. NASTAD, using its previouse experince with woreda and keblele HIV/AIDS committees, will enhance the capacity of HIV/AIDS program coordinators and officers in the woreda and kebeles. The program is directly linked to activity (5636), HIV planning for community ART adherences. It directly supports the country's HIV/AIDS Social Mobilization Strategy and works to promote community ownership of organized responses to the pandemic through capacity building.

The GOE recently developed a National Social Mobilization Strategy that emphasizes the need to promote community ownership of the HIV epidemic, and lays out necessary sequential activities to mobilize the community, including: (1) training of trainers for regional, zonal, and woreda representatives, (2) subsequent training of kebele representatives, (3) kebele community conferences to develop community action plans; (4) integration of community action plans into kebele development plans, and (5) monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the plan by the kebele administration and community associations.

Based on their existing cooperative agreement, CDC and NASTAD are working to respond to these national guidelines. TOTs for HIV activity planning, and specifically for PLWHA support and ART treatment adherence, have been developed and delivered at the regional levels to woreda and kebele representatives. In Addis Ababa most kebeles have developed plans through which to access EMSAP funding for programmatic activities. While initial training activities are well underway for the training and mobilization of kebeles to develop HIV prevention and control activities, NASTAD is now planning to undertake a concerted effort to support kebele administrations in the supervision and monitoring of these action plans. According to the "Ethiopian Strategic Plan for Intensifying Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Response, 2004" support for kebele AHIV/IDS activities is provided by the district (woreda) health desk, which is assigned the responsibility of linking facilities, kebeles, and the community. Its primary role includes supporting ART activities in communities and encouraging community mobilization among community and faith based organizations that are working in OVC activities.

Distric health desks have the responsibility to respond to facility needs and report M&E data to the RHB. There is a need to build the capacity of staff at the RHB and for HAPCO to provide technical assistance and support to the district health desks, and similarly, for the district health desk staff and health extension workers to provide support to kebele administrators. NASTAD proposes strengthening this chain of technical support and expertise by developing and delivering training and ongoing mentorship at all administrative levels to build skills in the areas of AIDS program administration, monitoring and supervision, and training and quality assurance. NASTAD will replicate its successful TOT model for the benefit of regional, district, and kebele administrations an will: (1) design and deliver TOT for regional health bureau/regional HAPCO staff, (2) deliver training with regional health board/HAPCO staff to woreda and district health desks, and (3) provide ongoing mentorship and support to regional and woreda staff in the performance of their duties as technical assistance providers to kebele administrators.

The TOT and ongoing mentorship activities will address the following issues: (1) AIDS activity management (how to design an AIDS activity plan, monitor its implementation, manage budgets, and account for expenditures), (2) training and quality assurance (how to provide training on delivery of effective HIV interventions AIDS to activity implementers, provide technical assistance and oversight to ensure that interventions are being implemented appropriately), (3) monitoring and evaluation needs (what kinds of information to collect from activity implementers, how to collect it, who to report it to, and in what format), and (5) coordination and communication (how to integrate kebele AIDS activity plans into kebele development plans, and assure coordination and communication between multiple activities in the kebele).

A team of US state AIDS directors and state AIDS program staff who have programmatic responsibility for administering HIV/AIDS healthcare, prevention, education and supportive services programs funded by state and federal governments provide technical assistance to the NASTAD program in Ethiopia. This team is able to offer considerable expertise in identifying community needs and responding to the challenges of the HIV/AIDS epidemic

nationwide and throughout the world.

In FY07, NASTAD will replicate its successful technical assistance delivery model, and in addition, coordinate the delivery of the techncial assistance to regions by a team of US state AIDS directors. This will include the following steps: (1) rapid assessment of current regional capacity through one-on-one interviews in person or by telephone which will determine specific training and assistance needs; (2) development of an assistance delivery plan based on findings of the capacity assessment targeting areas that can implement the training through a group setting, and that will the needs of RHB personnel; (3) development and refinement of TOT tools and protocols currently utilized in the US to respond to the identified needs of each region; (4) delivery of one central TOT and five zonal cascade trainings by the larger NASTAD team in collaboration with the three PEPFAR Ethiopia university programs (I-TECH, Columbia, JHU) and other partners responsible for rollout of ART in each region to minimally 15 district health desks and woredas, two RHB staff from each region five staff from each district, and 20 kebele and community members; and (5) one-on-one coaching by NASTAD team members to assure and assist in utilization of methods recommended through the training activities. "According to the second GOE Road Map, social mobilization is the movement to create community involvement in HIV/AIDS prevention, control, treatment, care and support. It focuses on participation of all possible sectors and civil society in mobilization of local resources, use of indigenous knowledge, and enhancement of people's creativity and productivity through mass campaigns. Real change can be achieved by planning and exerting joint efforts against the current HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ethiopia. Targeted and synchronized social mobilization at grassroots level to promote skills and knowledge development to combat HIV/AIDS requires better coordination, more efficient management and sustainable community empowerment. The strategy aims to increase demand for HIV/AIDS services, which would help fulfill the targets of PEPFAR Ethiopia.

" There is a gap between support to the social mobilization strategy and guidelines at the required level. Developing the Woreda/Kebele AIDS Program Administration Capacity Building Activity # 10424, the fund will help support the processes by translating to Amharic and printing the two documents, i.e. the strategy and the guideline. Support will be extended to HAPCO/MOH to familiarise the documents and help the implementation process at different levels through plus up funding.

Plus ups: