Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 14809
Country/Region: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year: 2013
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

GOAL: Contribute to improving the health of the Congolese people through social and behavior change Communication (SBCC). Three objectives:1. Support the government partners and local organizations; 2. Capacity building; and 3. Develop educational materials. C-Change through Search For Common Ground (SFCG) covers South Kivu, Katanga and East Kasaï provinces. SFCG works with a network of 80 national and community radio stations and 20 TV channels working towards urban area. 3 main strategies: Advocacy, social mobilization and Behavior Change Communication.

Targeting youth (Age 15-24), the project will implement the following activities in FY2012: 1) IPC (Interpersonal Communication): "Duel des Jeunes democrates (DJD) (Young Democrats) is a match (competition) of question and answer moderated by a journalist in which two opposing schools. This match challenge knowledge, attitudes and behavior of youth pupils about HIV. At the end of the match the moderator gives the correct answers and gives students and teachers DJD pamphlets on the topic of the session.The Team is a television series about a female football team which addresses governance, gender, justice and HIV. 4 episodes will contain messages about HIV. Video forum is organized for young boys and girls in selected Faith based schools conveying messages promoting sexual abstinence and delaying sexual debut. C-Change vehicles:1 older vehicle inherited from former project. During FY12, C-Change plans to buy 3 vehicles one support the current activities of the project in Kinshasa, one to support GBV/HIV activities in Kinshasa and an other one for GBV/HIV in Kisangani. The total for the life of the project is 4.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

The C-Change project will continue its efforts to build the SBCC capacity of the national HIV/AIDS program (PNLS). The project will assist the PNLS in developing a national communication planand support national campaigns such as World AIDS Day. In addition the project will strengthen the capacity of the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). Capacity building activities will address current CCM weaknesses including the lack of communication and transparency, and inconsistent field monitoring visits. These activities will help strengthen the coordination and collaboration between PEPFAR and Global Fund supported activities. C-Change support to the Global Fund will be implemented in close collaboration with the USG Global Fund Liaison Officer.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

With this fundingfor FY12, C-Change plans to strengthen communication activities through the production of educational materials and extension of the normative documents which will be developed in collaboration with national programs against HIV / AIDS (PNLS). As capacity building of local organizations selected in collaboration with PNLS, in SBCC. Activities include:

1) Produce in collaboration with SFCG educational materials on HIV. This amount will cover all costs of production including human resources and pre-test.

2) Support capacity building of national and local organizations by maintaining the Communication Working Group and the production of standard documents to guide interventions in the field of HIV / AIDS in DRC.

3) Support for human resources including salaries, consultants, staff training, etc.

4) Assist in cross-productions with other programs including watsan, malaria, sexual and gender based violence in the integration of HIV messages.

5) other administrative costs and financial locally and in Washington for technical support.

For FY 13, C-Change will place special emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of communication activities in collaboration with the PNLS to identify new needs in the implementation of communication plan and provide technical support necessary.

C-Change also plans to build the capacity of partners in the fields below with regards to:

1) Advocacy to identify new potential funding sources;


3) Monitoring and Evaluation

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

In line with the new pivot, the C-Change project will focus on reducing high-risk sexual behaviors in key populations and youth in PEPFAR supported sites through specific behavior change activities that address the DRCs mixed epidemic. High-risk behaviors among this population will require a response that balances youth and adult programming, highlighting the importance of youth prevention as an important long-term strategy to reduce transmission when young people eventually transition to adulthood. C-Change will strengthen communication activities through the production of educational materials and extension of the normative documents which will be developed in collaboration with national programs against HIV / AIDS (PNLS). The project will also reinforce PEPFAR PMTCT activities by implementing an SBCC approach based on community messaging and support to ensure that pregnant women, in the company of their husbands, seek services early in their pregnancy.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

C-Change will work with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (GDRC), IHP, and other partners to plan and implement a strategy to institutionalize the capacity of communities, government, and the media to create a supportive and inclusive environment fostering positive behaviors to address key health issues surrounding PMTCT such as early early and regular ANC visits, the importance of couple's testing, and male involvement.

Subpartners Total: $0
To Be Determined: NA