PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Result: strengthened capacity of underutilized and new partners for HIV/AIDS prevention efforts
Civil society remains a weak sector in the national response to HIV/AIDS in Botswana. Community-based
organizations, in particular, are a largely untapped resource for expanding the reach of HIV/AIDS prevention
and care services to communities. The USG will provide funds to PACT, an existing USAID/Regional
HIV/AIDS Program (RHAP) mechanism, which is pre-competed. PACT's mission is to strengthen grass
roots organizations and networks. In Botswana, the main focus of PACT's work will be to strengthen
Botswana-based, non-governmental organizations through a central Botswana HIV/AIDS umbrella
organization to become a leading partner in the HIV/AIDS response and to expand services provided by the
sector. Three umbrella AIDS service networks exist, but all are constrained in their capacity to provide
adequate leadership and support to members. With the USG support, one of these three umbrella
organizations will develop into a strong, well-functioning and sustainable organization capable of providing
leadership and strengthening member organizations. The umbrella organization will be charged with, and
developed, in the areas of coordination, advocacy, organizational capacity building, resource mobilization,
grants management, training, partnership building, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation and
service delivery. It will also work with local FBOs/CBOs/NGOs to fund activities in prevention
(abstinence/be faithful), palliative care, orphans and vulnerable children, and systems strengthening.
A local reference group has been formed to oversee and coordinate this activity with representation from
the relevant sectors of the government of Botswana, USG Emergency Plan agencies, and the UN family.
This reference group will also act as a technical review panel for selection of grant recipients. Over the multi
-year project period the capacity of the local umbrella organization will be strengthened so that the need for
support from Pact will decrease substantially.
Inputs: The USG will fund a contractor (PACT) to provide technical assistance and resources to build the
organizational capacity of a central HIV/AIDS umbrella organization. The umbrella organization will be
provided with the skills and resources to operate a small to medium sized grants program and build
organizational capacity in member organizations to expand service delivery.
Activities/Outputs: In the area of abstinence/be faithful, these funds will be used to support local
FBOs/CBOs/NGOs that promote abstinence/be faithful behavior change activities. Criteria for selection and
distribution of the allocations of funds will be determined at a later date. However, minimum amounts will be
set aside for faith-based organizations (e.g. $150,000) and youth organizations (e.g. $350,000). Some
funding will go for capacity-building of the organizations selected, but we plan for most of the money to go to
programs. Funding has been set aside in another part of the COP05 to support BONASO's role as the
umbrella organization for this fund. We anticipate being able to support 3 FBO/CBO/NGOs for AB work with
this funding.
Outcome: Civil society's contribution to the Botswana HIV/AIDS response will increase and more new
partners will benefit from Emergency Plan support. A well-functioning and sustainable central umbrella
organization will be created, capable of providing funding, coordination, organizational capacity building and
technical support to members that do work in the area of abstinence and faithfulness programs. Increase
in abstinence and faithfulness and decrease in number of partners among targeted individuals and
Note: Once the grants have been awarded, targets and target groups will be better defined.
July 13, 2005 (1): In COP this is listed as Youth Behavior Change ($100,000) but in our first redirection
request 2 weeks ago we increased it to $300,000 (Prime partner listed as Southern African Regional PSI
but that name should have been deleted)
The cooperative agreement under which this activity was included was recently terminated before it could
be awarded. Thus we propose to redirect these funds towards Pact, where there are already funds and
support available for youth AB activities. The same kinds of activities can be covered there.
July 13, 2005 (2): In COP this is listed as B message ($400,000) Prime partner: to be determined
We just learned that the mechanism that was going to be used to advertise and fund this activity could not
be used to support programmatic procurements. In order to rapidly get the funds into the field to support
partner reduction and faithfulness messages, we proposed to redirect these funds to Pact. We have
already set up activities with PACT in the areas of Abstinence and Faithfulness (in addition to Palliative
care, OVC and Systems strengthening). Thus activities similar to those initially proposed could be carried
out through Pact.
Result: increased effectiveness and reach of behavior change communication programs
Youth behavior change
PSI has been working for several years to promote behavior change among youth, through its varied
communication activities, such as radio and TV programs, jam sessions, and educational programs. This
activity is separate from PSI's condom social marketing work and does not involve marketing condoms to
Inputs: The USG will provide funding and technical assistance.
Activities/Outputs: In FY05, PSI will continue and strengthen its behavior change communication directed
at youth. Funding will be used to help cover costs related to the promotion and production of media shows
for youth and distribution of other IEC materials and related interpersonal reinforcement activities. Funding
will be used to further expand Youth Clubs in schools and other communities.
Outcome: Youth are better informed and mobilized around HIV/AIDS and are adopting healthy behaviors;
sexual debut is delayed, abstinence and faithfulness increase among targeted youth.
July 11, 2005: $200,000 of additional funds added to this approved 2005 COP activity to (a) undertake
additional M&E activities, (b) better implement and support a youth-parent program, and (c) account for
initial under-budgeting
Results: increased effectiveness and reach of behavior change communication programs; sustained and
strengthened media campaigns aimed at BCC
Social marketing campaign of the "Be Faithful" message
The time is ripe for further promotion of the AB messages on a wide scale in Botswana, to help individuals
challenge norms that tolerate concurrent and multiple partnerships.
Input: The USG will provide funding and technical assistance.
Activities/Outputs: In collaboration with a range of governmental and nongovernmental partners and
stakeholders in Botswana, awardee will develop a comprehensive plan to conduct social marketing of
abstinence/be faithful activities across the country. The social marketing plan should be multifaceted,
innovative, culturally-appropriate, segmented accordingly, and in line with behavior change theories. In
FY05, awardee and partners will develop and test key messages, modes of dissemination, and monitoring
and evaluation mechanisms. The project should also involve capacity-building of local partners in both
developing behavior change communication messages and promoting abstinence/be faithful messages
more generally.
Outcomes: Strengthening of abstinence and be faithful messages throughout the country.
Note: Targets and target groups will be better defined once the awardee has been identified.
Result: increased consistent, correct condom use among high risk populations
Social marketing of condoms has been an activity for over 10 years and complements the free distribution
of condoms provided largely through the government. PSI has also been working to promote behavior
change among youth, through its varied communication activities, such as radio and TV programs and jam
Inputs: The USG will provide funding and technical assistance to PSI to continue their work promoting
correct and consistent condom use among high risk groups through social marketing.
Activities/Outputs: In FY05, PSI will continue with the re-launch of its condom brand, Lover's Plus. Funding
will be used to help cover sales person salaries and transportation costs, and the monitoring of condom
Outcome: Increased sales and use of condoms among high risk population; reduction of high risk sexual
July 11, 2005: We have set up activities with PACT in the areas of 1) Abstinence and Faithfulness, 2)
Palliative care, 3) OVC and 4) Systems strengthening. Adding these funds would allow local NGOs to
embark and submit proposals for work on other prevention initiatives that are not covered under the 4
mentioned such as involvement of men, gender programs, prevention for positives initiatives, ABC
programs, and commercial sex worker support groups.
July 13, 2005: In COP this is listed as Southern African Regional PSI /PSI ($200,000)
be awarded. Thus we propose to redirect these funds towards Pact, where, under a separate redirection
request, we hope to make funds for "Other Prevention" activities available. This proposed activity, targeting
the harmful use of alcohol and HIV prevention, is an Other Prevention activity. A separate announcement
for applications would be made, specifying a request for work on alcohol and HIV. The targets remain the
Result: umbrella NGO organization engaged and FBOs, CBOs, NGOs organizational capacity strengthened
Botswana-based, non-governmental organizations through a central HIV/AIDS umbrella organization here
to become a leading partner in the HIV/AIDS response and to expand services provided by the sector.
Three umbrella AIDS service networks exist, but all are constrained in their capacity to provide adequate
leadership and support to members. With the USG support, one of these three umbrella organizations will
develop into a strong, well-functioning and sustainable organization capable of providing leadership and
strengthening member organizations. The umbrella organization will be charged with, and developed, in the
areas of coordination, advocacy, organizational capacity building, resource mobilization, grant
management, training, partnership building, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation and service
delivery. It will work with local FBOs/CBOs/NGOs to fund activities in prevention (abstinence/be faithful
activities), palliative care, orphans and vulnerable children, and systems strengthening.
provided with the skills and resources to operate a small to medium-sized grants program and build
Activities/Outputs: The USG will support the expansion of adult and pediatric palliative care services
through an expanded network of existing and new FBO/CBO/NGOs. One of these organizations will be the
African Palliative Care Association (APCA). These FBO/CBO/NGO organizations are uniquely positioned to
work with PLWHA and their families at the community level. Through small grants, technical assistance and
capacity building, their adult and pediatric palliative care service delivery capacity to will be strengthened,
including positive living/prevention, home-based symptom and clinical care, psychosocial and spiritual care,
referral to other government programs for financial and nutritional support (i.e. welfare and food basket
programs), and to improve linkages between clinic-, community-, and home-based care. Program
management capacity will also be strengthened, to help ensure sustainability.
technical support to members that do work in the area of palliative care.
July 11, 2005: $250,000 of unallocated funds added to this approved 2005 COP activity to (a) enable PACT
to expand the scope of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of local HIV/AIDS FBOs, CBOs and NGOs to
engage in palliative care activities, and (b) account for initial under-budgeting.
Result: Existing FBO/CBO/NGOs orphan support programs strengthened and expanded
HIV/AIDS Program (RHAP) mechanism, which is pre-competed. PACT's mission is to strengthen grass-
Botswana-based, non-governmental organizations through a central HIV/AIDS umbrella organization to
become a leading partner in the HIV/AIDS response and expand services provided by the sector. Three
umbrella AIDS service networks exist, but all are constrained in their capacity to provide adequate
delivery. It will work with local FBOs/CBOs/NGOs to fund activities in prevention (abstinence/be faithful),
palliative care, orphans and vulnerable children, and systems strengthening.
provided with the skills and resources to operate a small to medium -sized grants program and build
Activities/Outputs: In the area of orphans and vulnerable children, these funds will be used to support local
FBOs/CBOs/NGOs that promote programs for orphans and vulnerable children. One of the activities that
will be carried out will be to work with existing day care centers run by FBOs/CBOs/NGOs to identify the
health needs of children orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS. This information will then be used to
develop training materials for providers.
technical support to members that do work in the area of orphans and vulnerable children.
July 11, 2005: Unallocated funds added to this approved 2005 COP activity to (a) enable PACT to expand
the scope of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of local HIV/AIDS FBOs, CBOs and NGOs to engage in
OVC activities, and (b) account for initial under-budgeting.
July 14, 2005: $50,000 reallocated from Axiom other prevention activity to (a) enable PACT to expand the
scope of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of local HIV/AIDS FBOs, CBOs and NGOs to engage in OVC
activities. Note: this figure incorporates $85,000 for an OVC needs assessment, which is listed as a
separate activity in the COP.
Result: local support and participation in the HIV/AIDS response enhanced; organizational capacity of civil
society strengthened
and care services to communities. The USG will provide funds to PACT, an existing USAID/RHAP
mechanism, which is pre-competed. PACT's mission is to strengthen grass roots organizations and
networks. In Botswana, the main focus of PACT's work will be to strengthen Botswana-based, non-
governmental organizations through a central HIV/AIDS umbrella organization to become a leading partner
in the HIV/AIDS response and expand services provided by the sector. Three umbrella AIDS service
networks exist, but all are constrained in their capacity to provide adequate leadership and support to
members. With the USG support, one of these three umbrella organizations will develop into a strong, well-
functioning and sustainable organization capable of providing leadership and strengthening member
organizations. The umbrella organization will be charged with, and developed, in the areas of coordination,
advocacy, organizational capacity building, resource mobilization, grant management, training, partnership
building, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation and service delivery. It will also work with local
FBOs/CBOs/NGOs to fund activities in prevention (abstinence/ be faithful), palliative care, orphans and
vulnerable children, and systems strengthening.
Activities/Outputs: In the area of systems strengthening, these funds will be used to support local
FBOs/CBOs/NGOs that promote capacity building and other systems strengthening activities. Criteria for
selection and distribution of the allocations of funds will be determined at a later date.
technical support to members that do work in the area of systems strengthening.