Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 14123
Country/Region: Cameroon
Year: 2012
Main Partner: African Field Epidemiology Network
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $200,000

The rapid expansion and decentralization of HIV-related services, along with the increasing level of complexity of laboratory machines, demands appropriate attention to equipment maintenance... Assuming greater local responsibility for ongoing maintenance of biomedical equipment is included in the national laboratory strategic plan and policies under developed with the Government of Cameroon.There is a lack of formal curriculum-based training and a shortage of engineers, limited or no access to spare parts, heterogeneous equipment, and shortage of local capacity. One approach to addressing these problems is to develop a National Health Workforce on equipment maintenance. This approach ensures local capacity building, country ownership, and long term sustainability.Jobs are easily available in the public and private sector. These qualified individuals will help strengthen the health care workforce, thereby addressing the PEPFAR II objective of strengthening health systems and country ownership through training and retention of health care professionals and paraprofessionals. Another approach will also be to develop and implement national strategic plans, policies and guidelines for equipment standardization and maintenance. PEPFAR-Cameroon will partner with the national Polytechnic and other engineering institutions in-country to develop a standardized curriculum that looks at a holistic approach to equipment maintenance rather than the simple broke-and-fix model. It will require the provision of tools, test equipment, instructors and service manuals to guarantee quality results and long-term cost effectiveness.This mechanism will be monitored by the number of pre- and in-service biomedical engineers or technicians trained at the end of three years.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $200,000

The purpose of this mechanism is to strengthen pre-service and in-service training of biomedical engineers or technicians through public training institutions in Cameroon.

This mechanism will support Government of Cameroon to establish and implement strategic plans and policies for equipment standardization, calibration and maintenance, as well as training of equipment maintenance engineers. This mechanism will also support longterm institutional capacity building for pre- and in-service biomedical engineers. It will require the provision of tools, training equipment, instructors and service manuals to guarantee quality results and long-term cost effectiveness.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $150,000
Human Resources for Health $150,000