Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13396
Country/Region: Cameroon
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

Provide resources to strengthen capacity of STI treatment facilities particularly those located in targeted communities with a significant presence of most-at-risk and vulnerable populations; Train health care providers on care, treatment and support for MARPs, including patient-provider communication and stigma reduction, with a focus on HIV/STI care and treatment.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

Provide training and capacity-building in the following upstream support areas: (1) An annual targeted training of national/ regional MCH staff on new innovations in MCH/PMTCT; (2) A biannual refresher training of clinical staff in targeted regions in PMTCT/MCH ; (3)Training of a pool of master trainers and supervisors in PMTCT/MCH services in targeted regions ; (4) Partially finance monthly supervisory visits to targeted regions by national/ regional MCH staff to health facilities and districts for supportive supervision; (5)Adaptation of the new WHO PMTCT guidelines and its simplification and dissemination across all regions and districts in the country; (6) Adaptation, printing and roll-out of SOPs, monitoring checklist, job Aids, and posters in targeted regions; (7) Support the revision of PMTCT registers and forms, and ensure availability and utilization at all health levels; (8) Roll-out of the PMTCT counseling and support tools and Jobaids in targeted regions; Roll out of a National Couples Counseling training program to address low uptake in MCH settings, disclosure, and stigma; and Collaborate with the GOC, other UN agencies, Global Funds, Clinton Foundation and other stakeholders to establish a National TWG on PMTCT/MCH ; Support collection of quality data at PMTCT sites within currently supported national PMTCT programs; ensure that this data are analyzed appropriately and made available to partners at the local, regional, and national levels, and used by PEPFAR Cameroon for data-driven decision making; Build SI capacity with partners through provision of hardware, software, and training at national and regional levels, and training and supervision at district and site levels, in data entry, data quality assurance, M&E, data storage, and data analysis in currently supported national PMTCT programs.