Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 7343
Country/Region: Cambodia
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Department of State
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $514,209

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $514,209

08-08 Reprogramming:This change reflects a shift in the funds used for paying for the Field Epidemiology

Training Program (FETP). Funds for FETP were originally budgeted in FY2007 GAP Base funds under

TBD. It has been determined that the Thailand MOPH - US CDC (TUC) Cooperative Agreement is the

appropriate mechanism for funding the FETP. However, funds can not be obligated during FY2008. The

proposed shift is to use FY2007 funds to pay for local guard services and to use FY2008 funds originally

budgeted for local guard services to replace the FETP funds. This will result in no changes in targets.

CDC pays three separate cost-of-doing-business charges to the Department of State. For FY 08, these are

as follows:


This charge is for the administrative support given by Department of State service providers to HHS/CDC

GAP Cambodia. This estimate is based on the proposed ICASS budget for Post Phnom Penh, and on

current staffing levels for the Embassy. ICASS costs for CDC are determined in part on the basis of 4 direct

hire staff and 14 FSN staff. The estimated ICASS charge for FY 08 is $320,000.

Capital Security Cost Sharing

These funds are sent to the Department of State, OBO, to support new embassy compound construction.

For FY 08, this is reported to be $161,130.

Non-ICASS Residential Guard Service

Requested funding would cover the cost that the Department of State charges CDC GAP for non-ICASS

residential guard services. This was $78,000 in 2007, up from $38,000 in 2006, a 105% increase. Although

we do not anticipate an increase of this magnitude in FY 08, we do expect a 33% increase because direct

hire staff residences are increasing from 3 to 4 as of September 2007. We estimate the FY 08 cost to be
