Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 9914
Country/Region: Botswana
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Olive Leaf Foundation
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

The objectives of the OLIVE LEAF Foundation (OLF), formerly Hope World Wide ABy HIV prevention program include:

Increasing abstinence and secondary abstinence until marriage among young unmarried people aged 10-24, their families and their communities.

Increasing faithfulness in monogamous relationships among both youth and general public.

Promoting HIV Testing to encourage faithfulness and abstinence.

Reducing the incidence of gender-based violence, sexual coercion, and cross generational sex.

OLIVE LEAF Foundation's (OLF) ABy Program focuses on a providing a comprehensive HIV prevention program through a skills-based gender Program for youth and adults, and the promotion of Abstinence, Be Faithful messages for young people within communities. The Program activities target children and youth (both in- and out-of-school aged 10-14 & 15-24 years), adults, parents, teachers and religious and community leaders. Primary intervention areas for the ABy Program are Community Capacity Enhancement, Community Mobilization, Training of Peer Educators, Dissemination of Information, Education and Communication. OLF also has the Parent Empowerment Program and the Men as Partners gender components which are designed to broaden and deepen the impact of the Program.

Through the ABy program HIV/AIDS education and prevention has been provided to the sites around Africa for over 15 years. Today OLIVE LEAF Foundation's ABy HIV Prevention Program is operational in 5 sites namely: South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria and Cote D'Ivoire. OLF South Africa has developed a comprehensive life skills curriculum with strong emphasis on abstinence and fidelity as the primary means of HIV and STI prevention. This curriculum is extensively used in all ABy sites around Africa and is continually modified to best suit the needs of youth at risk of HIV infection and related issues.

OLF's Prevention program works closely with other key focus areas to address the issue of holistic prevention, care and support for children, youth and people living with HIV and AIDS. The aim for the ABy program is to have a lasting impact at grass roots level by enabling sustainable community development through interventions such as Community Conversation Enhancement Program (CCEP) or and the Community Action Team (CAT) Strategies.

The activities of the ABy program align very well with goals 1 and 4 of the partnership framework. Additionally the program addresses issues of gender, which is an important area of focus for the framework.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors